Soap Opera Digest – August 05, 2019

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

that neither Kate nor Ted
actually saw Stefan during
their captivity. Kate lies that
they heard him outside the
door, then realizes she has
to tell Ted to back up her
story. When Sarah visits,
Kate worries it’s an assassin
and conks her over the head
with an ice bucket.
Marlena and Roman
are at odds over whether
Sarah belongs with Rex or
Eric. Sarah heads home,
where Eric tends to her
head wound. They discuss
the awkwardness of their
living situation. Rex enters
and overhears. After giv-
ing it some thought, Rex
agrees that he and Sarah
should move out. They
move into the Kiriakis
mansion, where Rex and
Xander are immediately
at odds.

Eve returns to the Sa-
lem Inn after spending the
night away from Jack. He

thinks it’s over for them,
but instead, Eve apologizes
for storming out. She says
that she wants to support
him in his quest to regain
his memory. She then
administers the serum.
Jennifer decides she’s
done with Jack, and tracks
down Dr. Henry Shah to go
out on a date with her. Shah
is initially reluctant since
she blew him off twice, but
ultimately agrees. Jennifer
runs into Jack, who is about
to tell her that he took the
serum, but she informs him
about her date with Henry,
so he keeps mum.
Jack heads to JJ’s place
and tells his son that he
took the serum. He asks JJ
to keep it between them.
When Jennifer tells JJ about
her date, he notes that she
may want to reconsider.
When Jen presses him to
tell her why, JJ reveals that
Jack took the serum.
Xander brings Eve the
real serum, as opposed to

the secret placebo serum
that Eve gave to Jack. After
Xander leaves, Eve spies
Dr. Rolf’s diary and decides
to set it on fire. Jack walks
in and is shocked.

Brady asks “Nicole”
about the Mexican wres-
tling mask. She covers
and turns the conversation
around to Brady. She of-
fers to help him take over
DiMera. He points out
that to become CEO, she
would have to be a DiMera.
“Nicole” claims to have a
way around that.
Stefan and Gabi
strategize about how to
deal with Nicole. He feels
the best way is to fire her
immediately. Gabi wonders
if they should keep their en-
emy close, but he disagrees.
Stefan makes the call to
fire Nicole, but learns some
startling news about his
own fate at DiMera — he’s
been suspended.

How does Eve feel about Jack (Matthew Ashford)?
Kassie DePaiva says:
“She cares about Jack. She didn’t just use him
to hurt Jennifer. She manipulated the situation
because she wanted to be with Jack.”

  • Jennifer confides
    in Julie.

  • Jack and Eve face
    off over her lies.

  • Gabi presses
    Stefan to marry

  • Brady questions





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