Soap Opera Digest – August 05, 2019

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

I’m sorely disappointed
about the downfall of
everyone on every soap
but these two. Enough is
enough. These two respec-
tive soaps don’t film six
months in advance. Listen
to viewers and look at
ratings — change the
course of stories before
you lose more of an audi-
ence. Loyal viewers want
to continue watching
the shows. These actors
seem talented — but their
characters have no rooting
value. As budgets continue
to be slashed and networks
question the relevance of
soaps pertaining to certain
demographics, writers and
producers need to take a
step back and make some
quick and needed changes
before they don’t have a
show or story to tell.
Emily L., via email

I’m so grateful for the

actors on DAYS who give
100 percent of themselves
in their performances,
even when they are in
between storylines. I’m
referring to talented actors
like Galen Gering [Rafe],
Mary Beth Evans [Kayla],
and Bill Hayes and Susan
Seaforth Hayes [Doug
and Julie]. While none
of them have figured in a
major storyline lately, they
continue to give compel-
ling performances until it
is once again their turn for
a big story. While it can
be frustrating as viewers
to not be able to see our
favorite actors featured
prominently all the time,
Galen and Mary Beth con-
sistently draw us in. That
certainly makes it easier
for me to keep watching
while waiting patiently
(or not so patiently some-
times) for juicy storylines
for them. And although
it’s been a long time since


“And although it’s
been a long time
since [DAYS’s] Bill
[Hayes, Doug] and
Susan [Seaforth
Hayes, Julie] carried
a major story, every
performance they
give is a gift to the



Bill and Susan carried a
major story, every perfor-
mance they give is a gift to
the audience. They never
disappoint, always bring-
ing the charm and drama
to their scenes, even
though they only appear
sporadically. So cheers to
Galen, Mary Beth, Susan
and Bill for making it
easier for us to get through
the droughts that befall
our favorite soap char-
acters from time to time.
They are the ultimate team
Linda W., Enumclaw, WA

I have been watching
GH for 25 years and read-
ing SOD for just as long.
I have been frustrated and
irritated and sometimes
even hated certain story-
lines. This recent descent
into sexual assault, how-
ever, is absolutely and
mind-bogglingly disgust-
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