International Artist – June-July 2019

(WallPaper) #1
Discovering Art 139


and click on the Virtual Art Academy®
button to access instant downloads
needed to master the art of painting.

The Virtual Art Academy®
Apprentice Program
A structured four-year program of 192
lessons that will help you systematically
build up your foundational skills from
the ground up to help you master
painting. A key element of this program
is series of 350+ assignments specially
structured to help you build your skills,
and an Online Campus where you can
meet other students from all over the
world to share your artistic journey, and
support you along the way.
Each lesson includes an overview of
the principle or technique, one or more
short videos to demonstrate the skill you
are learning, many examples of how to
do it, and one or more assignments to
assist you in assimilating the material.

Lessons For All Skill Levels
The Apprentice Program is designed for
all levels of artists, from beginners to
more experienced artists and
professionals. Beginners work through
the lessons in sequence. For more
experienced artists, the program is
structured to give you complete
flexibility in your learning program.
Strengthen your foundation in those
areas in which you are weakest and take
your paintings to a new and higher level.

Master Artist Critiques
A key element of this program is a
study of historical master works.
Discover what makes them work,
increase your appreciation and
enjoyment of great artworks, and apply
that knowledge to your own work.

The program is available on a simple and
flexible pay-as-you-go monthly payment
plan. You do not need to commit up-front
to the whole program and you can cancel
at any time. Join our 800+ students who
have already improved their painting
skills, and you will soon be on the road to
painting success.


ne day I went to this
little bay in the evening
and was captivated by the
beautiful variety of different
colors reflecting in the water
from the bathers enjoying an
evening dip.
Note the key discovery of

dark accents. In the detail,
you can see that I have
layered thick brushstrokes
over a thin dark under-wash.

I deliberately left a few dark
patches showing. This creates
a series of dark accents that
give depth to your painting.
Another key discovery is
multi-colored brushstrokes. You
don’t have to always fully mix
the paint. If you pick up a
few colors together on your
brush and leave them a little
unmixed, you end up with a
much more interesting paint
surface. It’s a little tricky
though because you can easily
get out of control. Leave this
technique until you are a bit
more experienced!
The water in general is a
greenish-gray color. But look
at the detail. It is anything
but a single gray color. There
are blue-grays, green-grays,
violet-grays, browns and a
few patches of yellow green

and light blue. This adds
liveliness to the painting that
you would lose if you blended
too much. The secret here is
to keep the value of all the
patches very close together.
The beauty of paint is
often in the brushwork. Too
many painters lose this by
over blending, and end up
with a painting that looks
like a photograph. Leave
your brushwork visible and it
will take your art to a whole
new level.

To learn more
» For more information on how to create exciting brushwork, see
the Virtural Art Academy® Apprentice Program Workshop G.

Key Discoveries in Practice: Day at the Beach

Italy Fiascherino -
Day at the Beach,
Lerici, 23 x 30 cm
Free download pdf