Women Fitness India – July 2019

(Ron) #1



hat does Organic Mean?
Organic food is the product
of a farming system which
avoids the use of man-made

fertilisers, pesticides; growth regulators and

livestock feed additives.Irradiation and the

use of genetically modified organisms

(GMOs) or products produced from or by

GMOs are generally prohibited by organic

legislation. Choosing organic produce where

and when you can means that you’re making

a decision that helps support the soil, animal,

plants, people and the environment we live in

on a day-to-day basis. The more chemicals

we spray on our soil, the more chemicals that

can end up in our food and water supply, and

potentially in our bodies.

5 Organic Foods

To Include In We know that organic fruits and
vegetables are better for our bodies
and the planet, along with the
farmers that grow them and the
overall food industry. The more
foods are produced naturally in an
organic manner without chemicals
and pesticides, the more everyone
benefits. Plus, there’s nothing like
taking a taste of a delicious apple
that has no waxy coating or slicing
into a cucumber that doesn’t have
that slimy, waxy finish. But organic
isn’t always easy to buy on a budget,
so that’s why choosing organic
foods from “The Dirty Dozen” list
each year is so important.
The ‘Dirty Dozen’ is a list of fruit
and vegetables that are the best
investments when it comes to
choosing organic. In other words, if
you’re shopping on a budget and
want to know the best foods to
prioritise when choosing between
organic and non-organic, I think
these are the ones to pick. I also
choose to buy organic dairy, chicken
and red meat. These fruits and
vegetables should be bought organic
when possible since they are the
most heavily sprayed crops.
|Sweet bell peppers

Eating organic is an investment in
your health – you’re helping to
avoid eating unnecessary chemicals.
By- Dt. Manoli Doshi

Your Diet

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