the engines will fail’?” Dr. Weber said.
“Would you go in a car if the manufacturer
said, ‘There are airbags, but 5 percent of the
time they won’t deploy’?”
Dr. Jeff Shuren, the director of the F.D.A.’s
Center for Devices and Radiological Health,
suggested the agency may take additional
regulatory action. “Improvements are nec-
essary,” he said in a statement in April. No
action has yet been taken, however.
Hidden Defects
Duodenoscopes are long, flexible tubes
with a fiber-optic camera at one end. The
tube is inserted through the patient’s mouth
and stomach, then into the first part of the
small intestine, called the duodenum.
The procedure, called endoscopic ret-
rograde cholangiopancreatography, is used
to diagnose and treat diseases of the pan-
creas, bile duct and gallbladder, such as life-
threatening jaundice, tumors, blocked bile
ducts and stones. More than half a million
such procedures are performed each year
in the United States.
The alternative is open surgery, which
carries its own risks, said Dr. Bret Petersen,
a gastroenterologist at Mayo Clinic in Roch-
ester, Minn. “Taking a gallstone out surgi-
cally would be almost unheard-of today,” he
But the inability to properly clean the in-
strument between patients has proved to be
its “Achilles heel,” he added. The devices
cannot be exposed to high heat to be steril-
ized, as many instruments are.
It is difficult to clean the narrow inner
tubing by hand, and duodenoscopes, unlike
other endoscopes, have a movable elevator-
like mechanism at the tip that can be manip-
ulated to adjust the position of surgical in-
The mechanism makes the scope more
versatile, but also more difficult to clean, as
it contains microscopic crevices where bod-
ily fluids and bacteria can lodge.
Olympus Medical Systems Corporation,
Pentax of America and Fujifilm Medical
Systems USA manufacture most of the duo-
denoscopes in use in the United States, with
the lion’s share made by Olympus. Until re-
cent hospital outbreaks, the F.D.A. had
never asked to review manufacturers’ data
about cleaning the complex instruments.
The agency allows many medical devices
onto the market without subjecting them to
the kind of safety and effectiveness testing
required for new drugs if the devices are
deemed “substantially equivalent” to a
medical device already on the market. It is
the manufacturer’s responsibility to make
sure the new device works properly — and
that it can be properly cleaned between
The manufacturers claim that as long as
health facilities clean and disinfect the de-
vices according to the instructions — a com-
plicated process that can involve more than
100 steps, including visual inspections to
check that no “soil or debris is visible” after
cleaning — duodenoscopes are safe.
The instructions also say devices should
be returned to the manufacturer once a
year for service and maintenance.
Since 2012, however, hundreds of patients
in the United States and Europe have been
infected in dozens of outbreaks linked to
contaminated duodenoscopes. Among the
infectious agents is carbapenem-resistant
Enterobacteriaceae, bacteria that do not re-
spond to a powerful class of antibiotics. The
infection has a 50 percent mortality rate.
More than 30 patients in Seattle were in-
fected with resistant strains of bacteria
such as C.R.E. by duodenoscopes between
2012 and 2014, and 11 died, though many
were already critically ill. Dozens of pa-
tients at a Park Ridge, Ill., hospital were in-
fected with C.R.E. in 2013.
In 2015, two patients died and five were
sickened after being infected with C.R.E.
during procedures involving duodeno-
scopes at the Ronald Reagan U.C.L.A. Medi-
cal Center in Los Angeles.
Recently, doctors in Boston reported the
first known transmission of a microorgan-
ism resistant to colistin, a last-resort antibi-
otic, through a duodenoscope that had been
cleaned according to the manufacturer’s
guidelines and F.D.A. recommendations.
When the scope was sent back to the
manufacturer and taken apart, an internal
defect was discovered that left the danger-
ous bacteria clinging to the instrument. The
manufacturer, Pentax, recalled the defec-
tive devices last year.
“There is really no way we could have
been able to pick up on these internal de-
fects — that’s one of the main takeaways of
this story,” said Dr. Erica S. Shenoy, the as-
sociate chief of infection control at Massa-
chusetts General Hospital.
An F.D.A. advisory panel called for steril-
ization of duodenoscopes four years ago,
when the outbreaks first came to light. To-
day, steam heat — the gold standard for
cleaning and sterilization — can still dam-
age the scopes, creating cracks where bac-
teria can lodge and necessitating more fre-
quent replacements.
In February 2015, the F.D.A. asked manu-
facturers to analyze the contamination
rates of their devices. But so far, manufac-
turers have only completed about 60 per-
cent of the required sampling. One of the
smaller companies has only completed 15
percent of the required tests.
Single-Use Scopes
The flurry of infection outbreaks puts pa-
tients, hospitals and health care providers
in a quandary.
Modern medicine relies extensively on
duodenoscopes and other flexible tubular
“scopes” with cameras at the tips — includ-
ing bronchoscopes to check the lungs, and
colonoscopes to screen for colon cancer —
to diagnose and treat diseases without
Alternatives to scoping are limited and
include substitute medical tests and pro-
cedures, like stool tests that screen for colon
cancer in lieu of colonoscopies. (Scopes
used for colon cancer screening are consid-
ered much less risky, however, since they
are used in a part of the body already teem-
ing with bacteria.)
New low-temperature sterilization tech-
nologies may make it possible to disinfect
scopes more effectively. And it is possible to
manufacture disposable scopes that could
be discarded after a single use.
Single-use bronchoscopes are already
making their way to market, although they
are not expected to replace reusable scopes.
But there is no disposable duodenoscope.
The rising prevalence of superbugs —
life-threatening germs that are resistant to
powerful antibiotics — has heightened the
sense of urgency.
“As long as organisms were susceptible
to antibiotics, there really wasn’t a problem,
because even if the scopes were transmit-
ting bacteria, you give patients antibiotics
prophylactically before and after pro-
cedures, and you take care of it,” said Larry
Muscarella, a health care consultant who
scours medical device reports submitted to
the F.D.A. and has often been the first to
identify infection risks.
But prophylactic antibiotics no longer
guarantee protection. A rise in antibiotic-re-
sistant infections worldwide is nearing a
crisis point: The persistent misuse and
overuse of antibiotics in people, plants and
farm animals has led to the proliferation of
bacteria that resist treatment to most avail-
able antibiotics.
The World Health Organization has
called the growth in antibiotic-resistant dis-
ease one of the most significant threats to
global health. The design of duodenoscopes
makes them particularly susceptible to har-
boring these and other bacteria.
But the risk to any given patient is small,
and duodenoscopes are not significant fac-
tors in the rise of drug-resistant bacteria,
said Dr. Alexander J. Kallen, an epidemiolo-
gist at the Centers for Disease Control and
“It’s more of a public health concern than
a concern for the individual patient,” he
said. “The majority of people who get ex-
posed to a scope contaminated with bacte-
ria don’t suffer an adverse consequence.”
“For most patients, it’s a risk they should
absolutely be aware of,” Dr. Kallen added.
“But in most situations the benefits of the
procedure probably outweigh the risks of
an adverse event.”
The controversy has raised concerns
about the safety of other reusable, flexible
“scopes,” all of which have long, closed
channels that are difficult to clean, let alone
The F.D.A. warned health care providers
in 2015 that bronchoscopes, which are used
to examine the lungs, had been linked to
more than 100 infections and might remain
contaminated even after proper cleaning.
Late last year, researchers inspected two
dozen bronchoscopes that had been cleaned
and disinfected at three medical centers,
and found that all retained “residual con-
tamination” after the cleaning process, in-
cluding pathogens like mold and E. coli.
All 24 bronchoscopes had irregularities
apparent to the naked eye, including resi-
dues, retained fluid, scratches and other
damage. An accompanying editorial said
that the results were alarming, and that the
pulmonology community had “buried its
head in the sand regarding this issue.”
In January, researchers at the University
of Pittsburgh reported on a cluster of inten-
sive care unit patients whose drug-resistant
infections were all traced back to a single
Ambu, a Danish company, is already mar-
keting a disposable bronchoscope, officials
said. The company is also testing a dispos-
able colonoscope. It anticipates having ad-
ditional endoscopes — including a dispos-
able duodenoscope — on the market in the
United States by 2020.
Though many hospitals in the United
States have purchased single-use broncho-
scopes, Ambu’s former chief executive,
Lars Mercher, said the company encoun-
tered resistance to disposables when the
product was launched.
“It was hard to even get acceptance for
the idea that there was contamination in the
hospital,” he said.
Devices That Are Hard to Sterilize
Top, a duodenoscope during a procedure.
Above, Dr. David Feinberg, right, president
of the U.C.L.A. Health System. Near left,
Enterobacteriaceae, bacteria that have been
transmitted by duodenoscopes in hospitals.
Far left, the tool’s tip is hard to sterilize.
As corporate giants like Ford,
General Motors and Waymo
struggle to get their self-driving
cars on the road, a team of re-
searchers in China is rethinking
autonomous transportation using
a souped-up bicycle.
This bike can roll over a bump
on its own, staying perfectly
upright. When the man walking
just behind it says “left,” it turns
left, angling back in the direction
it came.
It also has eyes: It can follow
someone jogging several yards
ahead, turning each time the
person turns. And if it encounters
an obstacle, it can swerve to the
side, keeping its balance and
continuing its pursuit.
It is not the first-ever autono-
mous bicycle (Cornell University
has a project underway) or, prob-
ably, the future of transportation,
although it could find a niche in a
future world swarming with
package-delivery vehicles, drones
and robots. Nonetheless, the
Chinese researchers who built the
bike believe it demonstrates the
future of computer hardware. It
navigates the world with help
from what is called a neuromor-
phic chip, modeled after the hu-
man brain.
In a paper published last week
in Nature, the researchers de-
scribed how such a chip could
help machines respond to voice
commands, recognize the sur-
rounding world, avoid obstacles
and maintain balance. The re-
searchers also provided a video
showing these skills at work on a
motorized bicycle.
The short video did not show
the limitations of the bicycle
(which presumably tips over
occasionally), and even the re-
searchers who built the bike
admitted in an email to The New
York Times that the skills on
display could be duplicated with
existing computer hardware. But
in handling all these skills with a
neuromorphic processor, the
project highlighted the wider
effort to achieve new levels of
artificial intelligence with novel
kinds of chips.
This effort spans myriad start-
up companies and academic labs,
as well as big-name tech compa-
nies like Google, Intel and IBM.
And as the Nature paper demon-
strates, the movement is gaining
significant momentum in China, a
country with little experience
designing its own computer pro-
cessors, but which has invested
heavily in the idea of an “A.I.
The hope is that such chips will
eventually allow machines to
navigate the world with an auton-
omy not possible today. Existing
robots can learn to open a door or
toss a Ping-Pong ball into a plas-
tic bin, but the training takes
hours to days of trial and error.
Even then, the skills are viable
only in very particular situations.
With help from neuromorphic
chips and other new processors,
machines could learn more com-
plex tasks more efficiently, and be
more adaptable in executing
“That is where we see the big
promise,” said Mike Davies, who
oversees Intel’s efforts to build
neuromorphic chips.
Over the past decade, the de-
velopment of artificial intelligence
has accelerated thanks to what
are called neural networks: com-
plex mathematical systems that
can learn tasks by analyzing vast
amounts of data. By metabolizing
thousands of cat photos, for in-
stance, a neural network can
learn to recognize a cat.
This is the technology that
recognizes faces in the photos you
post to Facebook, identifies the
commands you bark into your
smartphone and translates be-
tween languages on internet
services like Microsoft Skype. It
is also hastening the advance of
autonomous robots, including
self-driving cars. But it faces
significant limitations.
A neural network doesn’t really
learn on the fly. Engineers train a
neural network for a particular
task before sending it out into the
real world, and it can’t learn
without enormous numbers of
examples. OpenAI, a San Fran-
cisco artificial intelligence lab,
recently built a system that could
beat the world’s best players at a
complex video game called Dota
- But the system first spent
months playing the game against
itself, burning through millions of
dollars in computing power.
Researchers aim to build sys-
tems that can learn skills in a
manner similar to the way people
do. And that could require new
kinds of computer hardware.
Dozens of companies and aca-
demic labs are now developing
chips specifically for training and
operating A.I. systems. The most
ambitious projects are the neuro-
morphic processors, including the
Tianjic chip under development at
Tsinghua University in China.
Such chips are designed to
imitate the network of neurons in
the brain, not unlike a neural
network but with even greater
fidelity, at least in theory.
Neuromorphic chips typically
include hundreds of thousands of
faux neurons, and rather than just
processing 1s and 0s, these neu-
rons operate by trading tiny
bursts of electrical signals, “fir-
ing” or “spiking” only when input
signals reach critical thresholds,
as biological neurons do.
“This is about trying to bridge
and unify computer science and
neuroscience,” said Gordon Wil-
son, the chief executive of Rain
Neuromorphics, a start-up com-
pany that is developing a neuro-
morphic chip.
Neuromorphic chips are by no
means a re-creation of the brain.
In so many respects, the work-
ings of the brain remain a mys-
tery. But the hope for such chips
is that, by operating a bit more
like the brain, they can help A.I.
systems learn skills and execute
tasks more efficiently.
Because each faux neuron fires
only on demand rather than
continuously, neuromorphic chips
consume less energy than tradi-
tional processors. And because
they are designed to process
information in short bursts, some
researchers believe they could
lead to systems that learn on the
fly, from much smaller amounts of
In the video, the bicycle is not
learning; it is merely executing
software that had been trained to
handle specific tasks, including
recognizing spoken words and
avoiding obstacles. But it is exe-
cuting the software in an efficient
way, which is important to vehi-
cles that run on battery power.
Researchers believe they can
eventually merge the training
process and the in-the-moment
execution, so that a bicycle could
learn as it goes, from just a few
moments of experience.
The rub is that building the
right hardware may require at
least several more years of re-
search. “We are still in the trial
and error stage,” said Georgios
Dimou, who previously worked on
Intel’s neuromorphic project.
The Chinese researchers be-
lieve that time will bring far more
than just autonomous bicycles.
Their paper paints the Tianjic
chip as a step toward “artificial
general intelligence,” a machine
that can do anything you and
your brain can do. But that is
merely the promise du jour. May-
be start with helping it learn to
ride a bike.
Self-Driving Bike Glides
Toward the Future of A.I.
A frame taken from a video by researchers in China shows a self-driving bicycle.