Quilts and More - USA (2020 Winter)

(Antfer) #1
AllPeopleQuilt.com 63

6 ) Beginning^3 ∕ 4 " from left-hand edge, align
top of pocket flap 1 with top of a Step 5
unit (Diagram 4); pin. Baste^1 ∕ 8 " from top
edge. Position pocket flap 2 so that it is^1 ∕ 2 "
from pocket flap 1; pin, then baste in place.
Repeat with pocket flaps 3–5. There should
be^3 ∕ 4 " remaining between pocket flap 5 and
right-hand edge of unit.

7 ) Mark vertical lines centered between
pocket flaps using a Hera marking tool,
or fold unit to crease vertical lines and
then unfold. Topstitch along lines to make
a pocket row (Diagram 5).

8 ) Repeat steps 6 and 7, placing pocket flaps
in numerical order, to make five pocket
rows total.

uss -cu in s
To fussy-cut a fl ap so that the designs are oriented
facing up on both the inside and outside, use
template plastic to make a window template of
the Pocket Flap Pattern. Use it to cut one Pocket
Flap Pattern with the curved portion at the bottom
and one with the curved portion at the top. Then
complete Assemble Pocket Center, Step 2, as written.


(^3) ∕ 4 " (^1) ∕ 2 " (^1) ∕ 2 "
(^1) ∕ 4 "

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