net - UK (2020-01)

(Antfer) #1





Janak Shah shares tips on how animation

can improve user experience

More and more designers and
developers are building platforms
that incorporate animation. If leveraged
appropriately, it’s a powerful tool that can
enhance the users’ overall experience.
Static designs require more engagement
effort from a user, who has to identify the
important information on a screen.
However, animation allows information
to flow with an element of time and
priority. This is more in line with how
users think, thus attracting higher levels
of engagement.

Animation creates an emotional
connection: it draws users in, drives
interest and helps tell a story. The right
animation will influence the users’ focus
on a screen and guides them to where
they should direct their attention. This
is especially helpful for first-time users
unfamiliar with an app interface.

Additionally, animation can make
interactions feel more meaningful and
purposeful. It can provide useful context
and connections between content, giving
it life and depth. A company’s creativity
and brand personality shines through
with the use of animation.

While animation can make UX seamless
and fun, it can also have the opposite
effect if used incorrectly. Animation in the
wrong place or used at the wrong time can
be distracting, resulting in an unpleasant
experience. It would be counterintuitive
if an animation to support content took
longer to load than the content itself.
Good animation should feel smooth and
natural. Rather than drawing attention
to itself, it should highlight important
content to the end user and support the
content to help illustrate a story or elicit
an action from the end user.

It’s important to remember that
animation is one element of the whole
user experience. Animation shouldn’t
take centre stage but rather be considered
as a support act for the main event.
Before engaging in animation to improve
user experience, ask yourself if it has a
functional purpose. There is no place for
animation if it doesn’t serve a purpose.

Here are some of the functions animation
can serve:
Immediate visual feedback – Too often
when users are interacting on a platform,
they hesitate and wonder if an additional
action is needed to move forward.
Providing users with continuous feedback
reassures them that their action has been
registered and a reaction will follow.
Navigational awareness – The larger
the app, the more complicated it is to
navigate. Animation can give users hints
about their location, so they know they’re
in the right place. Navigation animation
guides the user to where you want them.
Furthermore, ensuring consistency
avoids confusion. For example, if a view
disappears to the left of a screen, it should
reappear from the left. This is a parallel
to how we are wired to think about the
things around us, where things are and
our spacial awareness. Changing this
natural flow can lead to confusion.
Avoiding jump cuts – Jumping from
one screen to the next can make it difficult
for a user to follow, especially if the screens
are visually similar and a new unexpected
screen appears without supporting context.
Animation can provide the context needed
to minimise confusion.
There are a number of benefits linked
with the use of animation, which can be
leveraged without overhauling a platform.
Implementing simple animation to
enhance navigation or illustrate a call-
to-action will inevitably strengthen
the overall user experience, ultimately
leading to higher conversion.
If we can use animation to make
insurance simple and fun, it’s a win.

Shah is a senior iOS engineer at Cuvva, the insurance
startup that provides short-term car and travel
insurance via an app.


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