Do you need some help to take your Canon photography to the next level? Let
us know what you’d like help with and we could pair you up with a top pro for the
day! Send an email to [email protected] with ‘PhotoPlus Apprentice’
in the subject line, and include your telephone number and address.
Lens Tamron SP 85mm f/1.8 Di VC
Exposure 1/2000 sec, f/5, ISO
ONE of the secret weapons
in JP’s bag is a bottle of
glycerine, which he
slathered on to the fillet of
beef with an egg wash
brush to give it a mouth-
watering sheen. He’d also
wipe off any fingerprints
around the plate that he
might have put there when
handling or changing
elements of the dish.
Sue was a fantastic
Apprentice! She
was keen to learn, clearly
had a strong passion for
food and a great eye for a
photo. We worked on this image of the ham
wrapped monkfish together (see right) where
she put everything she learned into practice
- it’s my personal favourite of the day! I’d
recommend that she gets some interesting
ceramic dishes that the chefs can plate up,
create some of her own custom reflectors to
control natural light, and invest in durable
backgrounds to give her shots some variety.
After today’s shoot I’m confident she has a
good amount of example images to show to
prospective clients. I know Sue loves food
photography so I really hope that she’s able to
get regular work taking food photos.
Before we wrapped
up for the day we
had the opportunity to take a
portrait of the chef, Sandor
Szucs, who curated all of the
beautiful dishes we photographed at Widbrook
Grange. JP carried his portable flash and
softbox outside so we could side light him in
his herb garden and I love this shot of him
looking straight down the lens. I’ve been
interested in food photography for years and
would love to turn it into a vocation, so
watching and learning from JP, who does this
day-in day-out, was absolutely invaluable. It’s
boosted my confidence no end! Thank you for
the opportunity PhotoPlus!