blogging. It’s lightweight and you don’t
need to carry a big tripod, you can just
take a smaller one. I also love the wide
dynamic range... I think it’s 12-stops. The
handling is simple because the camera is
so much smaller and it’s got basically
everything you need right there. It’s
so much more lightweight, meaning it
works really well for me.
It sounds like mirrorless is the
future for you. Are you waiting for
a more professional version of the
R to be released?
My 5D Mark IV is still doing the job.
I have the 24-70mm lens on it, which
I think is the sharpest lens I have ever
photographed with and it’s very much
comparable (when used) with the R, so I
think I will do my next shoot only with
the R. I think for me the future will be
mirrorless eventually.
What is it that you’re trying to
capture with your portraits of the
people who live near volcanoes?
A portrait should tell something about the
person. The face says it all, but I also like
environmental portraits where you can
see the people in the natural situation,
because people usually pose in front of
the camera and you have to get past this.
I have to take enough photographs to get
them tired of looking at the camera, then
I’ll be completely accepted by them and
can take as many photographs needed.
This is the point where people are doing
what they normally do and not playing up
a persona to the camera.
What else helps the process?
Well, it takes a lot of time and effort to get
to that point and that’s why I have learnt
a lot of languages. In my work as a
photographer I think languages are key to
making this process easier for everyone
involved. I think you have to love people
and I absolutely love people. You know, I
fall a little bit in love with everybody I
photograph, but don’t tell that to my
husband! Everybody has a beautiful side,
come out in my photographs of people.
How important is Instagram for
you? Many photographers regard
it as essential...
I believe it offers many more chances for
upcoming photographers because you can
be your own publisher. If you can be your
own publisher then you can create your
own audience and they will follow you if
you have something unique and different
to say. For me, Instagram has become
really important to make my work visible
because it’s not enough just to take
pictures. I want to move people with my
images, I want to tell some stories with
my images and help them realize their
own dreams. I believe pictures are there
to be seen and not hidden on hard drives.
That’s what I love about Instagram, you
can make your work be seen.
I think I will do my
next shoot only with the
EOS R – for me the future
will be mirrorless
One of the Bainings tribe of Papua New
Guinea runs through a ring of fire while
performing a traditional fire dance
Lens Canon EF 24-70mm f/2.8L II USM at 59mm
Exposure 1/10 sec, f/2.8, ISO1250
A tribal chief in full ceremonial attire
performs at a ‘sing sing’ gathering of local
tribes in the New Guinea highlands
Lens Canon EF 100mm f/2.8L Macro IS USM
Exposure 1/3200 sec, f/2.8, ISO100
The children of the village of Matupit play in
the sea by their ash covered island home
Lens Canon EF 24-70mm f/2.8L USM at 27mm
Exposure 1/1250sec, f/8, ISO250