Hooded coat
Shape shoulder
Leave the 1 3 (14: 15: 1 7 ) sts on a spare
needle for the shoulder.
Right front
Work the same as for Left front up to the
Shape armhole
Cast off 2 sts at beg of next WS row, 1 st
at beg of next two WS rows.
Cont on rem 30 (32: 3 4: 37 ) sts until work
measures 24 ( 27 : 3 0: 3 4)cm, 9½ (10½:
11¾: 1 3 ½)in, 66 (72: 8 2: 92) rows total.
Shape neck
Cast off 1 7 ( 18 : 19: 20) sts at beg of next
RS row.
Cont on the rem 1 3 (14: 15: 1 7 ) sts
until work measures 2 7 (30: 33 : 37 )cm,
rows total.
Shape shoulder
Leave the 1 3 (14: 15: 1 7 ) sts on a spare
needle for the shoulder.
Using 4mm (UK 8 , US 6) needles and
Starting with a knit row, work 6cm (2½in,
18 rows) in st-st.
Change to 5mm (UK 6, US 8 ) needles and
yarn A, then cont in Pattern St, making
Cont on the rem 35 (37: 3 9: 40) sts until
work measures 9cm (3½in, 26 rows total).
Next row (RS) (inc) K2, inc 1, knit to end
of row, inc 1, k2.
Rep the inc row on every foll 8 th (0: 8 th:
8 th) row 1 (0: 1: 4) times, then on every
foll 6th row 2 (4: 4: 2) times.
Cont on 4 3 ( 47 : 51: 54) sts obtained until
work measures 19 (21: 24: 2 8 )cm, 7 ½
(8¼: 9½: 11)in, 54 ( 58 : 66: 78 ) rows total.
Angle of the sleeve
Cast off 2 sts at beg of next two rows,
1 st at beg of next four rows.
Cont on the rem 35 (39: 4 3 : 46) sts until
work measures 21 ( 23 : 26: 3 0)cm, 8 ¼ (9:
10¼: 11¾)in, 60 (64: 7 2: 8 4) rows total.
Top of sleeve
Leave the sts on a spare needle.
Outer section
Using 5mm (UK 6, US 8 ) needles and
Cont in Pattern St until work measures
116 (124: 1 3 2: 140) rows total.
Cast off all the sts.
Inner section
Using 4mm (UK 8 , US 6) needles and
with a knit row, cont in st-st until work
measures 4 3 (46: 49: 52)cm, 1 7 ( 18 : 19¼:
20½)in, 120 ( 128 : 1 38 : 146) rows total.
Cast off all the sts.
To make up
Join the shoulders with a chain on the
WS of work (also known as 3 needle
cast-off) as follows: Leave the remaining
shoulder stitches on a spare needle. Place
back and front with wrong sides together.
from the back needle, and repeat with the
second stitch from each needle. You now
have 2 sts on the right-hand needle.
casting off. Continue until you have cast
It’s in the detail
The pattern on this coat couldn’t
be easier to knit, and adds lovely
horizontal ridges for a hint of
texture. The simple eight-row
pattern consists of six rows
stocking stitch and two rows
garter stitch, repeated. Easy
enough for any beginner knitter!
off all the shoulder stitches. The result is
a chain that shows on the right side and
a shoulder seam that will not go out of
shape. To obtain an invisible seam on the
RS, place back and front with RS together.
Hood Fold outer section in half and stitch
the back seam (red lines on the diagram).
Fold inner section in half and stitch the
back seam (red lines on the diagram).
Slip the inner section into the outer
section, RS to RS, matching the front
edges of the hood (green lines on the
diagram). Turn the hood RS out. Sew the
outer section around the neck, leaving
5cm (2in) free at each edge.
Following the diagram, leave a depth of
2cm (¾in) showing of the inner section.
Using the sewing thread stitch through
the two layers (blue dots on diagram).
Hem the inner section to the WS.
Using backstitch, graft the tops of the
sleeves into the armholes.
Sew the sleeve seams, stitching the
bottom 4cm (1½in) on the RS to allow for
turning back the cuff. Sew the side seams
of the jacket.
On the right front, 1.5cm (½in) in from the
middle front, make 3 buttonholes without
cutting the yarn as follows:
Use a sewing needle to pick up the
horizontal strand of the stitch where
you want to place the buttonhole, pull it
up and attach it two rows higher with a
few little sts on the WS. Repeat with the
and attach it two rows down.
from the neck, the others spaced at 6cm
(2¼in) intervals.
Make another 3 buttonholes in the
same way, 5cm (2in) in from the middle
front. Sew on the buttons opposite the
Secure and weave in all ends.
More ideas
Visit http://www.bergeredefrance.co.uk
for more projects using soft and
furry Ourson yarn, including a pair
of cute bear paw mittens.