People - USA - The Beatles 1969 (2019)

(Antfer) #1


george harrison arrived at London’s Twickenham Film
Studios, where the Beatles were gathering on Jan. 2, 1969, to begin
fi lming themselves recording a new album. He had a batch of new
songs written during an extended vacation in the States, and he was
eager for his bandmates to hear them. After years of experimenta-
tion with the sitar, Harrison had rediscovered his love for guitar-
based American music. “I had just been hanging out with Bob
Dylan and the Band, having a great time,” recalled Harrison in 1995.
During the sojourn, his wife, Pattie Boyd, joined him for Thanks-
giving with Dylan and his family. Harrison stayed on and cowrote
with Dylan and communed with Levon Helm and the Band.


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