something in my hands to keep me
busy. I have all these crazy ideas that
pop into my head and I try to stitch
them all up, so I have quite a few little
projects that go nowhere! But that's
okay for me, it’s all a part of my
creative process.
Your kits are always bursting with
amazing bright prints from
designers like Tula Pink and Alison
Glass. Are you naturally drawn to
vibrant colour palettes?
I do gravitate towards saturated
colour but every once in a while I will
Above: Karen's
Flat Back stitch
technique means
that stitches are
hidden on the front
work with muted colours just to
challenge myself. Putting colours
together comes very naturally tome
and I believe it has to do with the
colour theory classes I took at
college. We have so many grey
cloudy days in San Francisco and
I use colour to brighten my mood!
You mentioned that TheDIYAddict
is part time for you, as you workas
a personal chef during the day...
How do you fit everything in?!
First and foremost, I have Attention
Deficit Disorder (ADD). While attimes
that has been an issue for me, the
great news is that if I can stay ontask
I get a lot done! Through the years
I have figured out strategies thatwork
for me. Being a single mom hasalso
taught me how to spin a ton of plates
out of necessity.
What do you love the most about
the quilting community?
I’ve been fortunate enough to
connect online with quilters from
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Put ting colours toget hercomesverynaturallyto me.
We have so many grey andcloudydaysinSanFrancisco
and À u se c o l o u r t o b ri gh t e nmym o o d!
New York, Maine, the UK and
Australia and then meet them in
person. I find the quilting community
has truly become a global
experience. I believe quilters are
supportive and so willing to help
others – that's a group I’m proud
to be a part of.
What else can we expect from you
in the near future?
I’m working on leaving the chef job in
2021 and I’ll be teaching some more.
I’ve also got a new pattern coming
out in the first part of next year called
Sweet William, which is named after
my son and inspired by a William
Morris quilt that I love. We are also
excited about a new product coming
out soon that will appeal to everyone
who EPP’s. We are always trying to be
ahead of the curve! Stay tuned.