Apple Magazine - USA - Issue 426 (2019-12-27)

(Antfer) #1

companies are trying to make that happen in the
comfort of your own home. Indeed, streaming
gym classes are a growing trend; experts are
selling their time and allowing users to train
from their living rooms when it suits them.

Fitness gamification is perhaps one of the most
exciting trends in the industry, combining
VR games to build imaginary worlds and
drive motivation workout after workout, with
storylines that could soon be as immersive as
the world’s most popular franchises like Call of
Duty and Fortnite. With Apple launching Apple
Arcade this year, could it combine its gaming
and fitness arms and allow users to work out by
playing as characters they know and love?

Customization is also key to the future of digital
fitness. Cookie-cutter exercise regimes are no
longer enough - users want bespoke workouts
and tailored programs, and whilst we’re well on
our way with the artificial intelligence workout
apps released today, companies are taking it to
the next level with DNA testing for personalized
body profiling, whilst highly-personal training
programs such as Equinox Tier X, a “lifestyle
management program with a uniquely holistic
approach to high-performance living.”

Such programs may be expensive and designed
for the superrich just now, but as gyms innovate
and technology companies bridge the gap,
we’ll no doubt see truly personalized plans
soon. Indeed, by taking advantage of the data
found on your iPhone and Apple Watch, fitness
clubs can offer personalized recommendations
that engage members - by sending messages,
running offers, answering questions and
providing updates, companies can create truly


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