Scientific American Mind (2020-01 & 2020-02)

(Antfer) #1

consciousness. If we now want a science of con-
sciousness, we need to move to a more expan-
sive “post-Galilean” conception of the scientific
method, one that takes seriously both the quanti-
tative properties of matter than we know about
through observation and experiment and the
qualitative reality of consciousness that each of
us knows through our immediate awareness of
our feelings and experiences.
Nothing short of a revolution is called for, and
it’s already on its way. As I describe in my new
book Galileo’s Error: Foundations for a New Sci-
ence of Consciousness, scientists and philoso-
phers have begun to come together to lay the
groundwork for a new approach to conscious-
ness. And this matters. The change in worldview
that is called for cannot help but have profound
implications for society more generally. Con-
sciousness is at the root of human identity; in-
deed, it is arguably the basis of everything of val-
ue in human existence. This new scientific revolu-
tion will transform not only our understanding of
the physical universe but also of what it means to
be a human being.


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