How to Write Newsletters That Get Opened, Read and Clicked
Let’s explore the copywriting tactics you can use to do all of the
above, and then we’ll dive into writing better-performing from and
subject lines.
Get into Gmail’s Primary Tab
Winning the right to appear in Gmail’s Primary tab isn’t a game of
chance. It’s a matter of asking. When a new subscriber signs up,
you should give them clear, unmistakable instructions about how to
move your emails from Promotions to Primary.
Open rates matter to businesses and non-profits for this reason:
a subscriber can’t convert if they don’t open your email.
Of course, that doesn’t mean your conversion rate will necessarily
go up as your open rate goes up. Rather, think of it as widening
your funnel. You need to send more people – qualified leads from
your list – into the top of the funnel, and that’s what a higher open
rate can do.