
(singke) #1
1. Force


2. Newton’s Laws of Motion

3. System

4. Equilibrium of a Particle

  1. Static equlibrium:

  2. Dynamic equlibrium:

A pull or push which changes or tends to change
the state of rest or of uniform motion or direction
of motion of any object is called force.

newton and 2


(MKS System)

1 newton = 10^5 dyne

(I) First law of motion
Each body continues to be in its state of rest or
of uniform motion in a straight line unless acted
upon by some external force.
(II) Second law of motion
The force acting on a body is equal to rate of
change of momentum

 

d p d dv dm
F mv m v
dt dt dt dt

   

 
 

F ma 0

    
 
 

 

Where p m v

 
, p

= Linear momentum.
(III)Third law of motion
To every action, there is always an equal and
opposite reaction.

Two or more than two objects which interact with
each other form a system.

Classification of forces on the basis of boundary
of system :
(I) Internal Forces
Forces acting each with in a system among its
(II) External forces
Forces exerted on the constituents of a system
by the outside surroundings are called as
external forces.

For a particle to be in equlibrium the net external
force acting on the particle must be zero.
In translatory motion, equlibrium is of two types:
In this Fnet 0

and body is
at rest.
In this Fnet 0

and body
moves with uniform velocity.
Newton’s IInd law w.r.to both inertial & non-inertial
frames are

 
(w.r.to inertial frame)

F F maext s r

  
(w.r.to non-inertial frame)


external force


Pseudo force (Fs=mas)

as Acceleration of non inertial frame


Acceleration of the body w.r.to ground frame


Acceleration of the body w.r.to non-inertial

4. Newtons Laws of Motion, Friction & Circular Motion
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