42 The World of Cross Stitching http://www.cross-stitching.com
Project Fa m i ly Tree
Family Tree chart (bottom left)
1 Carefully trim your finished stitching using
a pair of sharp fabric scissors, leaving a 2cm (¾in)
border. Cut a piece of backing fabric to match.
2 Lay your crochet lace ribbon around the
edge of the stitching, so that it’s lying in front of
your fabric and tack in place. Position the ribbon
approximately 0.5cm (¼in) from the raw edge.
3 To make a tab, cut a strip of backing fabric
8x10cm (3¼x4in). Fold in half lengthways and
sew a 1cm (½in) seam along the long side. Turn
through so the seam is now on the inside, then
press. Tack some ribbon to the tabs centrally for
decoration. Repeat for second tab.
4 Fold the tabs in half by putting the two
ends together. Place along the top edge of your
stitching in your desired positions (with loops
pointing down) and pin along the top edge.
5 Place backing fabric and stitched piece
together, right sides facing and sew a 1cm (½in)
seam around all four edges leaving a 4cm (1½in)
gap. Turn, press and sew up your gap.
6 Place your wooden dowel rod through
the loops and hang with your ribbon of choice.
make a
How to...
Family Tree chart (bottom right)