The World of Cross Stitching - UK (2020-02)

(Antfer) #1
88 The World of Cross Stitching

Project Soldier Egg Cosies

How to... make egg cosies

5 Pin the wadding to cosy, then
machine-stitch the lining and fabric
layers together along bottom edge of
the wadding, leaving the bottom of
the cosy open and a 2.5cm (1in) gap
for turning through. Trim off excess
backing fabric from the bottom.

2 Sew together along the
template line with right sides facing,
leaving bottom edge open creating a
pocket. To make sure seams are not
bulky, trim any excess fabric from your
sewn cosy, turn through and press.

1 Place the template over the
back of your stitching, draw around it,
then trim your stitching leaving a 1cm
(½in) seam allowance. Cut a matching
panel of backing fabric and pin to your
stitching with right sides facing.

3 Using the template and leaving
a 1cm (½in) seam allowance, cut two
pieces of wadding and lining fabric.
Lining up the edges, pin both lining
pieces with right sides facing between
the wadding pieces and sew together,
leaving the bottom open.

4 Trim away any excess bulk from
the wadding seam and then insert
your stitched pocket inside your sewn
wadding and lining. Make sure it’s
positioned in the middle of all four
of the layers between the two pieces
of the lining fabric.

6 Using the gap you have left
in your fabric, now you can turn
your egg cosy through to the right
side. Next, push the lining inside,
making sure that it sits evenly and
comfortably inside your egg cosy,
then neatly slip stitch the gap.


I just know that my
niece and nephew will
adore these cute little
figures. I can’t wait to
get stitching and plan
to make the whole set
of egg cosies!
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