Subscribe at 61
Contuntilworkmeas 39( 40 : 41 : 42 : 43 )cm, ending with RS facing
Work 12 rowsmore.
Castoff5 ( 6 : 7 : 8 : 9 ) stsatbeg of next 2 rows.
[65( 69 : 75 : 79 : 85 ) sts]
Dec1 stateachendofnext3 ( 3 : 3 : 5 : 5 ) rows, then on 2 foll RS
rows.[55( 59 : 65 : 65 : 71 ) sts]
Contwithoutshapinguntilarmholemeas 20( 21 : 22 : 23 : 24 )cm,
endingwithRSfacingfornext row.
Castoff6 ( 7 : 8 : 9 : 10 ) stsatbegofnext2 rows.
Castoff7 ( 8 : 9 : 9 : 10 ) stsatbegofnext 2 rows.
Castoffrem 29 ( 29 : 31 : 29 : 31 ) sts.
Caston 36 ( 39 : 43 : 46 : 50 ) sts using 5.5mm needles.
Knit 6 rows.
NoteReadahead– frontneckandarmholeshapinginsome sizes
Row 1 (RS)K4( 3 : 3 : 2 : 2 ), Sl3 wyif, K1; rep from to end.
Rows2,4, 6 and 8 Purl.
Row 3 K4( 3 : 3 : 2 : 2 ), K1,takeRHneedle under strand at front of
workandK1,K2;repfrom toend.
Row 5 K2( 1 : 1 : 4 : 4 ), wyifsl3,K1;repfrom tolastst,K2.
Row 7 K2( 1 : 1 : 4 : 4 ), *K1, take RH needle under strand at front of
workandK1,K2;repfrom* tolastst,K2.
RepRows1 to8 twice more, then Rows 1 to 7 once more.
Row 32 Knit.
Row 33 Purl.
Row 34 Purl.
Row 35 K4( 1 : 5 : 2 : 6 ), *(K1,yo,K1)intonextst,(slipthese3 sts
back to LH needle and K3) twice, slip last 2 sts back to LH needle