Computer Shopper - UK (2020-03)

(Antfer) #1


farenough that the notion of putting amere
dual-core CPU intoyour desktop PC might
sound less like shrewd money-saving and
more like tight-fisted silliness. The Athlon
3000G, however,shows that sometimes you
really can do more with less.
Like any Athlon chip,this accelerated
processingunit (APU) sits well below AMD’s
successful Ryzen series of mainstreamCPUs.
Regardless, it shares many of thelatter’s
qualities. There’s SimultaneousMultithreading
(SMT), producing two extra virtual cores fora
total of four threads, and Ryzen’s power-
efficientZen architecture is in use here as well.
And whilethere’snoboostclock, the3.5GHz
base core speedcan be overclocked manually
thanks to an unlocked multiplier.

It’s extremely rarefor cheapchips to come
unlocked, especiallywhenthe price is as low
as this.At£42, theAthloncosts lessthanhalf
of both the Ryzen 32200G and Intel’s Core
i3-8100 (bothShopper376).AsanAMD APU,
it alsohas integrated graphics, albeit only in
the form of aVega 3GPU; theRyzen 32200G
packs more powerful Vega 8graphics.

Even so,removingthe need foraseparate
graphics card further strengthens the Athlon
3000G’s potential as an entry-leveldesktop
chip; notonlyisitextremely inexpensiveinits
own right, it can save youcash on otherPC
components as well.
Thereare afew caveats to consider,
however. First, you mayhavenoticedwe
mentioned this processor is based on theZen
architecture, not the newer,improvedZen+ or
Zen2,sowhile it’s technically anew part, it’s
basedontech fromafew years back. Second,
we neededtoperform aBIOSupdatefor our
GigabyteAorus X370-Gaming 5motherboard
before theAthlon 3000G wouldworkwith it,
despitethe X370 chipset being made
specifically forZen-based chips. If you’re
building awhole newPC, you should therefore
check themotherboard you’re buyingcomes
running asufficiently recent BIOSversion.
Still, thefactthat this uses the same
AM4 socket as theRyzen familymeansthat


While unmistakably an entry-level chip,the 3000G’s
value and overclockability might surprise you


compatibleboardsareplentiful.The useofan
architecturefrom 2017 isn’tabig dealin
practice,either –infact, thesinglebestthing
about the Athlon3000G is how faritperforms
beyond expectations.
At astock 3.5GHz, it scored 79 in our 4K
benchmark suite’simage-editing test,along
with 66 in thevideo-encoding test, 56 in the
multitaskingtestand 66 overall.That might
not sound very high if you’re used to reading
Shopper’s Ryzen reviews, but consideringthe
on-paper specs,it’sanimpressive showing.
Forcomparison, the previous-generation
Athlon X4 950 costs about the sameand is
also clocked at 3.5GHz, butscored only 53
overall, despitehavingfour physical cores
and a3.8GHz boostclock.
In terms of more recent budget
competition, theRyzen 32200Gand Core
i3-8100 areboth much faster,scoring100 and

112 overall respectively, but again, they also
costmore than twice as much. Proportionally,
then, theAthlon 3000Gstill does well.


As forthe Vega 3graphics, it’s not up to
1080p gaming by itself. Dirt Showdown
producedonly 15fps with Very High settings,
and that’s the least demanding benchmark
game we use. It’s finefor generaldesktop
surfing, however,and you can play some
games if youdon’t mind dropping to 720p.
Using 1,280x720 andthe Highpreset,for
example,Dirtran likeacompletely different
game,averaging asmooth 55fps.
Paired with adedicated GPU, youcan
expectsomebottlenecking, butmainlyin
games that arespecifically CPU-intensive.Dirt,
which fitsthatdescription, produced 87fpsat
1080p (and backonVery High) with aGTX
1060, which is well below the 130fps that card
can get with aquad-core IntelCore i7-4770K.

Conversely,Metro: Last Light Redux managed
48fps, onlyasingle frame per second behind
the Corei7configuration.
pushed theAthlon 3000Gto3.8GHz on air
cooling, no voltage changes required. Other
reviewers have reported being abletoreach
as high as 4GHz, butwecouldn’t getthis
sufficiently stableeven after tweaking
voltages. However,3.8GHz wasenough for
amuchimproved image test score of 94,
as well as smaller improvements to the
video,multitasking and overall results: 72,
66 and 73 respectively.
Gaming on Vega is stilla720p affair –Dirt
at 1080p only rose to 16fps post-overclock
–but at 720pitaveraged 61fps, an
improvement of over 10%.With the GTX
1060, Dirt at 1080p rose to 94fps, although
Metrostayed static at 48fps.
Nonetheless, overclocking is worthdoing,
especially as doingsoonlyraisestemperatures
slightly.Idle temps barely rose from 27° to 30°C,
and loadtemps only increased by the same
amount: 50°C at 3.5GHz rose to 53°C at 3.8GHz.


It’s still bettertogowiththe Ryzen 32200G if
you canafford it, but there’s nothingas
powerful or as flexible as the Athlon 3000G
below£50. On those groundsalone, it’s worthy
of arecommendation, and overclocking
support, lowtemperaturesand decentgaming
performance areall welcome bonuses.




Dirt Showdown
0% -50 Reference + 50 + 100
Seepage98for performancedetails




It’s extremely rare forcheap chips to come unlocked,

especially when the priceisaslow as this
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