Thinking, Fast and Slow

(Axel Boer) #1

Psychology 37 (1979): 322–36.
A major advance : Schwarz et al., “Ease of Retrieval as Information.”
role of fluency : Sabine Stepper and Fritz Strack, “Proprioceptive
Determinants of Emotional and Nonemotional Feelings,” Journal of
Personality and Social Psychology
64 (1993): 211–20.
experimenters dreamed up : For a review of this area of research, see
Rainer Greifeneder, Herbert Bless, and Michel T. Pham, “When Do People
Rely on Affective and Cognitive Feelings in Judgment? A Review,”
Personality and Social Psychology Review 15 (2011): 107–41.
affect their cardiac health : Alexander Rotliman and Norbert Schwarz,
“Constructing Perceptions of Vulnerability: Personal Relevance and the
Use of Experimental Information in Health Judgments,” Personality and
Social Psychology Bulletin
24 (1998): 1053–64.
effortful task at the same time : Rainer Greifeneder and Herbert Bless,
“Relying on Accessible Content Versus Accessibility Experiences: The
Case of Processing Capacity,” Social Cognition 25 (2007): 853–81.
happy episode in their life : Markus Ruder and Herbert Bless, “Mood and
the Reliance on the Ease of Retrieval Heuristic,” Journal of Personality
and Social Psychology
85 (2003): 20–32.
low on a depression scale : Rainer Greifeneder and Herbert Bless,
“Depression and Reliance on Ease-of-Retrieval Experiences,” European
Journal of Social Psychology
38 (2008): 213–30.
knowledgeable novices : Chezy Ofir et al., “Memory-Based Store Price
Judgments: The Role of Knowledge and Shopping Experience,” Journal of
84 (2008): 414–23.
true experts : Eugene M. Caruso, “Use of Experienced Retrieval Ease in
Self and Social Judgments,” Journal of Experimental Social Psychology
44 (2008): 148–55.
faith in intuition : Johannes Keller and Herbert Bless, “Predicting Future
Affective States: How Ease of Retrieval and Faith in Intuition Moderate the
Impact of Activated Content,” European Journal of Social Psychology 38
(2008): 1–10.
if they are...powerful : Mario Weick and Ana Guinote, “When Subjective
Experiences Matter: Power Increases Reliance on the Ease of Retrieval,”
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 94 (2008): 956–70.

13: Availability, Emotion, and Risk

because of brain damage : Damasio’s idea is known as the “somatic
marker hypothesis” and it has gathered substantial support: Antonio R.

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