Thinking, Fast and Slow

(Axel Boer) #1

cognitive busyness
cognitive ease; in basic assessments; and illusions
of remembering; and illusions of truth; mood and;
and writing persuasive messages; WYSIATI (what
you see is all there is) and
cognitive illusions; confusing experiences with
memories; of pundits; of remembering; of skill; of
stock-picking skill; of truth; of understanding; of
Cognitive Reflection Test (CRT)
cognitive strain
Cohen, David
coherence; see also associative coherence
Cohn, Beruria
coin-on-the-machine experiment
cold-hand experiment
Collins, Jim
colostomy patients
competence, judging of
competition neglect
complex vs. simple language
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“Conditions for Intuitive Expertise: A Failure to Disagree”
(Kahneman and Klein)
confidence; bias of, over doubt; overconfidence; WYSIATI (what
you see is all there is) and
confirmation bias
conjunction fallacy
conjunctive events, evaluation of
“Consequences of Erudite Vernacular Utilized Irrespective of
Necessity: Problems with Using Long Words Needlessly”
contiguity in time and place
cookie experiment
correlation; causation and; illusory; regression and; shared
factors and
correlation coefficient
cost-benefit correlation

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