Thinking, Fast and Slow

(Axel Boer) #1

political experts
political preference
Pólya, George
Pope, Devin
Porras, Jerry I.
positive test strategy
possibility effect: gambles and; threats and
post-traumatic stress
precautionary principle
predictability, insensitivity to
predictions and forecasts; baseline; clinical vs. statistical;
disciplining; of experts, see expert intuition; extreme, value of;
formulas for, see formulas; increasing accuracy in; low-validity
environments and; nonregressive; objections to moderating;
optimistic bias in; outside view in; overconfidence in; planning
fallacy and; short-term trends and; valid, illusion of; see also
preference reversals; unjust
premonition , use of word
pretentiousness language
pricing policies
priming; anchoring as
t="- 5 %">
Princeton University
probability; base rates in, see base rates; decision weights and,
see decision weights; definitions of; and disciplining intuition;
less-is-more pattern and; Linda problem and; overestimation of;
plausibility and; and predicting by representativeness; prior,
insensitivity to; professional stereotypes and; of rare events, see
rare events; representativeness and, see representativeness;
similarity and; subjective; as sum-like variable; see also
predictions and forecasts
probability neglect
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
professional stereotypes
professorial candidates
prospect theory; in Albert and Ben problem; blind spots of;
cumulative; decision weights and probabilities in; fourfold pattern

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