The Economist - USA (2019-12-21)

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6 Contents The EconomistDecember 21st 2019

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PublishedsinceSeptember 1843
intelligence, which presses forward,
and an unworthy, timid ignorance
obstructing our progress.”
Editorial offices in London and also:
Amsterdam, Beijing, Berlin, Brussels, Cairo,
Chicago, Johannesburg, Madrid, Mexico City,
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Volume 433 Number 9174

77 Combating homelessness
78 Apple in Russia
79 Christian persecution
79 Turkey subsidises
organic tea
80 CharlemagneChristmas

81 Tories in the north
82 Boris v the BBC
83 Rough sleeping
84 BagehotSecrets of the
Tories’ success

85 Young people and
the news

89 Boeing going wrong
90 Bytedancing with the
90 China in Daimler
91 BartlebyEnd-of-year
94 California’s data sheriffs
95 Schumpeter The buzz
around AirPods

Finance & economics
97 Wealth management for
the masses
98 Oil’s quarrelsome cartel
99 US-China trade truce
99 Rattling supply chains
100 Free exchangeReadying

Science & technology
118 Bringing rocks from Mars
119 Diagnosis by retinal scan
120 COP25’s cop-out

Books & arts
121 Chinese restaurants in
122 A Japanese murder

Economic & financial indicators
124 Statisticson 42 economies

Graphic detail
125 Thenewsstoriesthatmostinterestedreaders in 2019

126 Stephen Cleobury, master of carols
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