Web User - UK (2020-01-22)

(Antfer) #1

neverusea desktopimageeditoragain

42 22 Jan - 4 Feb 2020

Thanks to the proliferation of
smartphones, taking photos has
become a daily occurrence, but if you
want to post or share a snap, it might
need some editing beforehand, to crop
unwanted elements, fix colour issues or
just apply a snazzy filter. There are
some great online tools that are
comparable – or even superior – to
desktop photo-editing software.
PhotoPea (www.photopea.com) and
Pixlr (www.pixlr.com) are our favourites.
PhotoPea is a brilliant free online
Adobe Photoshop clone that brings
advanced editing capabilities to your
browser. It offers all the basics you need
for resizing, rotating and colour-
correcting photos, and includes a
number of advanced tools, including
support for layers, layer masks and
styles. It can also open and edit vector
graphics and PSD (Photoshop) files.
The most recent update to PhotoPea
introduced smarter selections and a
background eraser.

Pixlr, another advanced photo editor,
offers two versions: the Flash-based
Pixlr Editor and the newer, faster Pixlr X.
All the tools you require to make
changes and improvements to your
photos are accessible from a strip down
the left-hand side, and include a wide

Software you no longer need:
Photoshop, GIMP

All online photo-editing tools
provide filters and effects that you can
apply to your images, but Polarr (bit.ly/
polarr493) is especially good and offers
a selection created by professional
photographers that you can quickly
apply and tweak. This free web app can
also automatically detect faces, allowing

subject’s skin and adjust the tone and
saturation. It even lets you play with
face width, chin and forehead height,
eye size and brightness, and nose width
and height. It can also whiten your teeth
and, if you don’t look happy enough in
a photo, Polarr can plaster a smile on

Software you no longer need:

If you’ve captured a stunning portrait
but find that the background leaves a
little to be desired, you can use an
image editor to crop around the subject,
then copy and paste it to a new
background. Getting the results you
want can be tricky – you need a steady
hand to cut around your subject – but if
your skills fall short, there is an excellent
online solution.

Uploada photototheamazing
Remove.bg (www.remove.bg) and it will
strip out the background automatically
and let you download the copy in
preview (small) or full quality. And that’s
not all. If you click the Edit button, you
can erase or restore part of the image
(useful for improving the cut-out), and
add a different backdrop or colour. You
can also add a customisable amount of
blur to the new background to make it
seem more natural. The only restriction
is a one-hour hour time limit to
download each image before it gets

Software you no longer need:
Corel Photo Paint

A great way to present a collection of
photos is to turn them into a collage for
printing or sharing. Fotojet (www.fotojet
.com) is an online collage maker that

Photos, videos & music

Evenif yourhomePCisn’tparticularlypowerful,
you can still use it to run the latest resource-
hungry games and software by harnessing the
power of the cloud. Shadow (shadow.tech) is a
new service that’s due to launch in April. It’s
essentially a full computer that you access
remotely and store your programs and content
on. Everything is hosted on Shadow’s servers
and streamed directly to your own PC, and the
company promises any games you play will run
smoothly and without any latency.
As you may expect, this technology doesn’t
come for free. Shadow is priced from £14.99 a
month, for which you get a GTX 1080 graphics
processor, a 3.4Ghz, four-core CPU, 12GB of RAM and 256GB of storage
(you can pay extra for additional space). If you’re after something meatier,
there are Ultra (£29.99 a month) and Infinite (£49.99 a month) packages on
offer. Shadow says an internet connection with a minimum speed of 15Mbps
is all you need.


Polarr’s tools let you bring out the best in
your photos’ subjects

Forget shaky cut-outs – use Remove.bg to
strip the background from photos
Free download pdf