30 artistMarch 2020 http://www.painters-online.co.uk
I added the dark shapes to the value study, which enabled me
to see the large important shapes I would have to include. It
helps to practise the dark shapes as we can end up placing too
many unnecessary darks on our painting
I let that wash dry almost completely, then replicated the large middle-value wash
from my value scale. In preparation for this I pre-mixed large puddles of colour
because I wouldn’t have had time to constantly mix new colour. Also, mixing ahead
of time will help prevent hard edges forming. Yo u can see where I took advantage of
lost edges simply by changing colours
I wanted to
shadows in soft
shapes, such as
the trees, while
this wash was
still damp. Being
careful not to get
blooms by using
more paint than
water, I dropped in
darker colour quickly
and decisively. Before the
shadows were completely
dr y, I scratched out a few light
branches with a ngernail. I paint around the larger lights
but small ones are best completed by scratching. If the
paint is too dry I’ll go in with touches of gouache later
To make sure my gures were incorporated
I dropped in a little darker colour for their
skin and clothing while the rst wash was still
damp – this helps me keep them loose. A few
areas of darker colour were dropped in where
I want some softness. Only a few small spots
of white paper remained for highlights
dry, few