PC World - USA (2020-02)

(Antfer) #1
110 PCWorld FEBRUARY 2020


must choose Format > Format Cells >
Number > Date, and then select a format
from the list.
Formula: =DATEVALUE(H33)

    Use this function to display the “text” of a
    formula in a given cell. For example, the
    actual formula in cell E2 is =SUM(C2*D2);
    but all you see is the answer, which is
    $164.25. Sometimes it’s helpful, even
    necessary, to see the actual function,
    especially if you’re editing a macro or
    tracking down a circular reference. So enter
    this formula into a cell off to the side of your
    spreadsheet matrix (such as cell F2):
    =FORMULATEXT(E2) and Excel displays the
    actual formula of E2.

    Averages are used every day to determine
    the median or midpoint of a set of numbers;
    for example, average grades for a group of
    students; average temperature of a region;
    and/or average height of sixth graders.
    Before functions, to get an average, you
    would add a column of numbers; for
    example 10 numbers; then divide by that
    total (10). The AVERAGE function does that
    for you. So typing =AVERAGE(E2:E6) adds
    those five numbers, then divides by 5.

    These simple functions count the total

number of digits or text in a column of data.
COUNT only counts numbers and formulas,
while COUNTA counts everything—that is,
alpha and numeric characters plus
punctuation, symbols, and even spaces.
Why use the COUNT function? Imagine
that your friends pay dues for membership
into several different clubs. The spreadsheet
adds the dues for all clubs in column G, so
each individual knows how much he/she
owes in dues a month. Use the COUNT
function to total the number of people
in each club (without having to create a
column full of ones). For example;
=COUNT(B13:B22) tells us there are six
people in the Garden Club.

    The COUNTBLANK function does exactly
    what is says: It counts the number of blank
    cells in a column or range. In column B of our
    spreadsheet example, there are four blank
    cells (and six cells with numbers). Note that
    anything in a cell, even a space, will register
    as a non-blank cell. In other words, if you put
    a space in cell B13, the total blank cells
    changes from 4 to 3.

  2. =COUNTIF & combined
    This formula combines the COUNT and the
    IF functions to count the number of cells in a
    range that meet a specific condition.
    For example, say that you want to count

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