of Burnt Umber, Ultramarine Blue, CadmiumYellow
and White to which I gradually addmoreyellowto add
highlights and tones to give the grasssomedepth.
I them commence painting thecreeperusing
Forest Green, a touch of Alizarin,andsome
Cadmium Yellow to lighten. This greencolouris
dabbed in random bunches.
After mixing more Cadmium Yellow,additional
lighter leaves are painted in, andthegreenis used
in the same way as the Burnt Umberto createthe
runners. The leaves are painted eachtimewith
progressively more Cadmium YellowandWhite
added. The shadows are paintedonthedunes
using a mixture of Dioxazine Purple,Ultramarine
Blue, White and a touch of CadmiumYellow.
Final Step
I touch up with the sand colourandtheshadows
between the grasses until I amhappywiththe
balanceofsand,shadowandgrasses.I repaint
thegrassesin someplacesif needed.I add
thepatchesof sunlightthroughthetree
onto theshadowedsandbystrategically
dabbinga mixofWhiteanda slighttouchof
Thepatchesof sunlightpiercingthetreeare
addedusinga mixtureof BurntUmber,Cadmium
thetree.Thefoliageis addedto thetreeusinga
mixtureof ForestGreen,BurntUmber,Whiteand
mypaintingsandhowto commissionanartwork,
or emailmeat [email protected]
Sandi Langridge
artist 53
Step 3
Step 4