Creative Artist - AU (2020-02)

(Antfer) #1

they head off most mornings each week to
dive in the nearby Indian Ocean, just of the
coast. I asked him what he thought about the
sharks that often move along the coast here,
and he just shrugged his shoulders and said,
‘’don’t give it much thought‘’. Anyway, after
lunch he’s back home to collect his camera
and ride the path around the lakes.
I visited Gary at his home in the suburb
of Greenwood just at the bottom end of
the park and lake system. Gary uses a small
study room in his house for his photo work
where he keeps his camera, photographic
aids, lenses filters etc., also his computer,
printer, and photographic library, where he
can check his work after a ride out around

This page
Above left: Corellas squabbling
Top righ: Gary’sStudio
Middle right: Morning! I love this photo of an Egret
seemingly mesmerised by its own reflection in the water.
Usually solitary feeders, they stalk quietly in shallow
water for fish, frogs and inver tebrates and can regularly
be seen around the wetlands.
Right: The three wrens can often be found rehearsing in
Yellagonga Regional Park

Opposite page
Top: Aerial attack
Below: Gary Tate

artist 61
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