A History of America in 100 Maps

(Axel Boer) #1


flood control 202, 218
Florence 12, 13, 14
and Adans-Onís treaty 122
first described as peninsula 23
food production 185
French exploration of 30
and Gulf Stream 105
landscapes of 199
migration to 250
Spanish colonization of 34, 46, 64, 72,
76–7, 87, 122
in Wallingford map 192
and Yamasee War 77
Folger, Timothy 105
food production and safety 185
Ford, Henry 176, 196
Ford Model T 196
foreign policy 100, 113, 151, 170, 176, 204, 205,
206, 208, 223, 224, 225, 232, 234, 236,
238, 241
Forlani, Paolo 26
Fort Duquesne 84
Fort Le Boeuf 84
Fort Pitt (later Pittsburgh) 84
Fortune magazine 196, 199, 202, 206
Foster, John, “A Map of New-England” 35, 54,
Four Corners 88
France, French
at Battle of Yorktown 92
claims in North America 84
colonization by 11, 64
Communist Party 223, 225
“Voici les bases Américaines dans le
monde” 222–3, 223
industrial output 152
and New York 52, 53
and Panama Canal 172
parliamentary elections (1951) 223
and Quebec 34
in Seven Years’ War 77, 84, 90
and slave trade 74
territorial claims by 8, 30, 34, 46, 68, 88
as traders 113
US ties with 180
in World War I 178, 204
in World War II 213
Franklin, Benjamin 86, 87, 97, 99
and James Poupard, “A Chart of the Gulf
Stream” 104–5, 105
free labor (as concept) 124–5
Free World 238
Freedom Rides 205, 230, 231
Fremont, John 115, 132–3, 141
French Creek 84
French and Indian War (Seven Years’ War) 65,
79, 84, 91, 94–7
French Revolution 113
Frobisher, Martin 30
Fry, Joseph, and Peter Jefferson, “A Map of the
Most Inhabited Part of Virginia ...” 64, 80,
80–1, 82–3
fur trade 34, 52, 72, 114, 151, 156, 160

Gage, Thomas 90
Gallatin, Albert 120
gang culture 188
Gannett, Henry 156–7, 160
Garfield, James 156
gasoline tax 229
Gastaldi, Giacomo 26–9
(with Paolo Forlani and Matteo Pagano),
“Cosmographia Universalis et
Exactissima...” 26, 26–7, 28–9
gay and lesbian community 233, 246
Gazette (Boston) 116
Gazette (Salem) 116
genocide 216–17
geographic information systems (GIS) 252, 258

and continental drift 232, 242
and exploitation of coal 152–3
and Mississippi Rover 218
George III, King 97
George, Lake 128
George’s Bank 105
Georgia 8, 64, 77, 108, 120, 124, 125, 130,
147, 230
census map 9
map, annotated for military use 8, 9 , 146 ,
presumption of sovereignty 130
German Americans
antagonism to 180
as farm workers 138
Germany, Germans
defeat by Allies 204
demonization of 180
immigration from 124–5, 138–9
industrial output 152, 202
invasion of Poland 204, 206
invasion of Soviet Union 208
Nazi regime 206, 216–17
and “New Netherland” 52
Ruhr Valley 202
sinking of Lusitania 176, 178
Wehrmacht 217
in World War I 176, 180, 180–1
in World War II 213, 216–17
Gerry, Elbridge 116
“The Gerry-mander, or Essex South District
Formed into a Monster!” 9, 116, 117
gerrymandering 98–9, 116, 116–17, 233, 254
Gettysburg 199
Gila River 88
Gilbert, Sir Humphrey 30, 34
Gilded Age 9, 126, 156, 164
Gill, MacDonald 204
“The Time & Tide Map of the Atlantic
Charter” 210, 210–11
Girardeau, Cape 218
Global Positioning System (GPS) 258
globes 2–3, 11, 12, 13, 17, 60, 128, 204, 206,
Gloucester Point 92
Gold Coast 74
gold, discovery of and search for 26, 30, 124,
130, 132, 134, 136, 170, 172
Goldwater, Barry 238
Gould, Peter 233, 246
Number of AIDS cases in 1982, 1984, 1988,
1990 246–9, 248
grain belts 185
Granada 21
Grant, Ulysses S. 147, 148
Gratiot, Charles, “Map Illustrating the Plan
of the Defences of the Western & North-
Western Frontier” 130, 131, 250
Gray, C.P., “Aeronautical View of the Panama
Canal” 172–3, 172–3
“Great American Desert” 133
“The Great American Roadside” 106, 196–7,
Great Depression 176, 177, 196, 199, 201, 205
“Great Desert” 122
Great Flat-Top Coalfield, Virginia and West
Virginia 154, 155
Great Flood 218
Great Lakes
and Erie Canal 99, 120
French exploration and claims to 34, 60, 62,
64, 68, 79, 86
geography of 45
naval base 182
as popular destination 199
and railroads 154
tribes of 46
in Wallingford map 192
“Great Migration” 35, 43

Great Plains 26, 30, 132, 160, 163, 192
dust storms 250
Native Americans in 151
Great Salt Lake 192
Great Smoky Mountains 199, 246
Greece 223
Greeley, Samuel 166
Greenland 21, 30
Greenville 218
Treaty of 98
Greenwich (England) 100, 108
Guadalupe Hidalgo, Treaty of 134, 136
Guantánamo Bay 170
Guinea 50
Gulf Stream 99, 105
Gunskirchen 217
Gutiérrez, Diego 30, 34
and Hieronymus Cock, “Americae sive
quartae orbis partis nova et exactissima
descriptio” 30, 30–1
Hakluyt, Richard 25, 30
Halberstadt 213
Halifax, George Montagu-Dunk, 2nd Earl of 94
Hamilton, Alexander 92, 100, 106
Hammond, James Henry 124
Hancock, Winfield Scott 156
Hardee, T. S., “Battle of New Orleans for
Freedom” 148, 148–9
Harrison, Benjamin 170
Harrison, Richard Edes 9, 204, 221
Look at the World atlas 208
“Three Approaches to the U.S.” 206, 207
“The World Divided” 206–8, 208–9
Hartford 54
Female Academy 118
Harvard University 168
Havana 170, 234
Hawaii 151
Hayes, Rutherford 148
heat maps 233, 248
Hébert, John 17
Heezen, Bruce C. 242, 248
Henry, Prince 38
Henry, Patrick 90
Hessian troops 92
highways, interstate 196, 199, 228–9, 229
Hiroshima 223
Hispanic (as term) 253
Hispanic population see Latino population
Hispaniola 12
HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) 246
see also AIDS
Ho Chi Minh 238
Holbrook, Agnes Sinclair, and Florence
Kelley, “Nationalities Map No.1” 166, 167 ,
Holland see Netherlands
Hollywood 177, 179, 187, 194, 194–5
Holme, Thomas
“A Map of the Province of Pennsylvania ... as
far as yet surveyed and laid out” 58, 58–9
“A Portraiture of the City of Philadelphia in
the Province of Pennsylvania” 56–8, 56–7
Holmes, Robert, “A Description of the Towne of
Mannados or New Amsterdam as it was in
September 1661” 35, 52–3, 52–3
Holocaust 204, 216–17
Home Owners Loan Corporation (HOLC),
“Metropolitan Cleveland Security Map”
200–1, 201
Homestead Acts 160, 163
homosexuality 233
and HIV/AIDS 246, 248
Hoover, Herbert 190
Hoover, J. Edgar 224
Hopi villages 10
Hornaday, William Temple 151, 160
and Henry Gannett, “Map Illustrating the Ex-
termination of the American Bison” 160, 161
horses, introduction of 160

Hotchkiss, Jedediah 152–3
“Map of Part of the Great Flat-Top Coalfield
of Va. & W. Va.” 154, 155
map of Virginia 152–3, 152–3
House Committee on Un-American Activities
(HUAC) 224
House of Representatives 250
distribution of seats over time 254
first African American elected to 254
housing market 177, 201
Howe, Samuel Gridley 125
and Samuel Ruggles, map of Vermont for
the blind 128, 129
Hubbard, William, Narrative of the Troubles with
the Indians in New-England 54
“Hubbard’s Hope” 45
Hudson Bay 45, 60, 105, 113, 234
Hudson, Henry 34, 46, 52
Hudson River 35, 43, 120
Humboldt, Alexander 89
Hungary 205
hunting 151, 160
Huntington, Collis 153, 154
Huron, Lake 46
Huron tribe 46
“I Want You for the U.S. Army” (poster) 180
IBP meatpacking plant (Dawson County,
Nebraska) 252, 253
Idaho 160, 175
Illinois 99, 175, 192
Bureau of Labor Statistics 166
Latino population 252
imaging technology 13
discrimination against immigrants 139, 164
from Asia 232
from China 164, 166
from Germany 124–5, 138
from Ireland 124–5, 138, 164
from Italy 188
from Latin America 232
from Lithuania 188
from Mexico 252
from Poland 188
mapping of neighborhoods 166
patterns of 138–9, 138–9
relaxation of restrictions on 233
and social mobility 9
as source of low-cost labor 164, 166
wartime curbs on 176
see also migration
independence 116, 118, 130
movement for 65, 87, 98
Indian Removal Act (1830) 124, 130
“Indian Territory” 130
Indiana 99
Latino population 252
Indians see Native Americans
Indonesia 238
industrialization 139, 150–3, 185
during World War I 176
light industries 252
influenza (Spanish flu) 182–3, 182–3
Institution for the Education of the Blind (later
Perkins School for the Blind) 128
Intermountain West 134
International Monetary Fund 210
Internet 233
internment camps 205
interstate highway system 196, 199, 228–9, 229
Iowa, Latino population 252
immigration from 124–5
potato famine 138
Irish Americans 180
“iron curtain” 223
Iroquois Confederacy 10, 46, 64, 68, 79, 97, 121
irrigation 163, 186
isolationism 204, 206
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