Keith lives in Brighton.
He is one of the founders
of the splendid design
agency Clearleft. He has
written various books,
including HTML5 For
Web Designers and, most
recently, Going Offline.
n 12 March 1989, a young computer
scientist named Tim Berners-Lee
published a memo. He was working at
CERN, the European Organisation for
Nuclear Research. The thousands of
scientists working there needed a way of
collaborating over the internet. Berners-
Lee had a potential solution. He published
his idea under the title Information
Management: A Proposal.
It wasn’t exactly a page-turner
and the diagrams were completely
incomprehensible. But there was enough
there to get the project started. This
project became the world wide web.
Within a year of publishing his initial
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Jeremy Keith
will be speaking at
Connect the web’s building blocks