To help ensure that the metrics are
relevant to users, we frame them around
a few key questions:
O Is it happening? Did the navigation
start successfully? Has the server
O Is it useful? Has enough content
rendered that users can engage with it?
O Is it usable? Can users interact with the
page or is it busy?
O Is it delightful? Are the interactions
smooth and natural, free of lag?
There are a number of important
metrics to measure and Lighthouse and
PageSpeed Insights try to capture a few
key ones.
O First Contentful Paint marks the time
at which the first text or image is
O Time to Interactive is the amount of
time it takes for the page to become
fully interactive (eg the user can click
and see a response)
O Speed Index shows how quickly the
contents of a page are visibly populated
And there are some exciting new metrics
that will be coming to our tools this year:
O Largest Contentful Paint (LCP):
measures the time from when the page
starts loading to when the largest text
block or image element is rendered on
the screen.
O Total Blocking Time (TBT): measures
the total amount of time between FCP
and TTI where the main thread was
blocked for long enough to prevent
input responsiveness.
Learn more about modern performance
metrics on
Real-world field data
When PSI is given a URL, it will look it
up in the Chrome User Experience Report
(CrUX) dataset. If available, PSI reports
the First Contentful Paint (https://web.
dev/fcp) (FCP) and the First Input Delay
( (FID) metric data for
the origin and potentially the specific
page URL.
Classifying fast,
moderate and slow
PSI also classifies field data into three
buckets, describing experiences deemed
fast, moderate or slow. PSI sets the
following thresholds for fast/moderate/
slow, based on the CrUX dataset:
Fast: 0 - 1,000ms
Medium: 1,000ms - 3,000ms
Slow: over 3,000ms
Fast: 0 - 100ms
Medium: 100ms - 300ms
Slow: over 300ms
Lab data
PSI uses Lighthouse to analyse the given
URL, generating a performance score
that estimates the page’s performance
on different metrics, including: First
Contentful Paint, Speed Index, Time to
Interactive and estimated input latency.
Each metric is labeled with an icon:
O A fast metric is indicated with a green
check mark
O Moderate is indicated with orange
informational circle
O Slow is indicated with a red warning
Lighthouse separates its audits into three
different sections:
O Opportunities provides suggestions
for how to improve the page’s
performance metrics. Each suggestion
in this section estimates how much
faster the page will load if the
improvement is implemented.
O Diagnostics provides additional
information about how a page adheres
to best practices for web development.
Right Lighthouse and
PageSpeed Insights
capture a few key metrics:
First Contentful Paint,
Speed Index and Time
to Interactive. Largest
Contentful Paint is being
added later this year
Far right PageSpeed
Insights compares real-
world field data on the First
Contentful Paint and the
First Input Delay
Bottom right Lighthouse
estimates the page’s
performance on different
metrics, including: First
Contentful Paint, Speed
Index, Time to Interactive
Bottom far right
Lighthouse’s audits
outline your opportunities
to improve metrics and
diagnostics on how a page
adheres to best practice
Boost your PageSpeed Insights score