July Morning Off
Schomberg Road
(16x20) by
W. Truman Hosner
Over the Line (20x20)
by Colette Odya Smith
- “A successful abstract painting,
like fine literary fiction, needs
to convince us of its internal
congruent reality. Every element
of the design must be believable
in context and support the effect
of the whole. Composition, color,
texture, line, pattern and form
must work together to impact the
viewer visually and viscerally.”- “While attending to constantly improving your skills,
don’t neglect the heart of you that makes you an artist.
The more clear you can be about your intentions, the
better able you’ll be to develop your personal vocabu-
lary of visual tools.” - “Remember, abstraction isn’t necessarily about quick,
loose, thoughtless applications of paint. Rather,
it’s the representation of reality distilled through a
specific focus of a human spirit. Pursuing your human
development will affect artistic development.”
- “While attending to constantly improving your skills,
28 Pastel Journal APRIL 2020