78 The World of Cross Stitching
Armchair Pincushion
1 Cut two pocket panels (either
one or both stitched) to 12x18cm
(4¾x7in) each, the pincushion to
10x20cm (4x8in) with a matching
panel in your chosen fabric, and a
back panel in your chosen fabric
measuring 18x40cm (7x15¾in).
2 Insert your stitching into the
fold of the bias binding (this will
become the top edge of your pocket),
then sew in place using a matching
colour of thread. This will conceal the
raw edges of your stitching.
3 With rights sides facing, sew
both long sides of the pincushion and
panel together to make a tube using
a 1cm (½in) seam. Turn through and
sew across one end using a 0.5cm
(¼in) seam. Fill the pincushion with
stuffing and stitch the remaining open
end closed using a 0.5cm (¼in) seam.
How to...
make an armchair
4 Lay the long back panel face up.
Next, position your pockets, facing
up, at either end of the back panel
with the pincushion in the centre.
Once you’re happy with the layout,
securely pin all the layers together to
keep them in place.
5 Fold and press your bias binding.
Then pin, or tack, the bias binding
around the outside of the panels to
conceal all of your raw edges.
6 Sew the bias binding all the way
around the outside edges, stitching
through all the layers. Now you’re
ready to use it on your favourite chair!
The armrest
pincushion with a
vintage sewing theme
will be the first project
that I’ll tackle. I’ll make
it as a gift for my
auntie – she’s a fellow
stitcher who taught
me how to stitch.