Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning

(Jeff_L) #1
10.2. Illustration: Variational Mixture of Gaussians 479

where we have introduced definitions ofΛ ̃kand ̃πk, andψ(·)is the digamma function
defined by (B.25), withα̂=

kαk. The results (10.65) and (10.66) follow from
Appendix B the standard properties of the Wishart and Dirichlet distributions.
If we substitute (10.64), (10.65), and (10.66) into (10.46) and make use of
(10.49), we obtain the following result for the responsibilities

rnk∝π ̃k ̃Λ^1 k/^2 exp



2 βk




. (10.67)

Notice the similarity to the corresponding result for the responsibilities in maximum
likelihood EM, which from (9.13) can be written in the form

rnk∝πk|Λk|^1 /^2 exp






where we have used the precision in place of the covariance to highlight the similarity
to (10.67).
Thus the optimization of the variational posterior distribution involves cycling
between two stages analogous to the E and M steps of the maximum likelihood EM
algorithm. In the variational equivalent of the E step, we use the current distributions
over the model parameters to evaluate the moments in (10.64), (10.65), and (10.66)
and hence evaluateE[znk]=rnk. Then in the subsequent variational equivalent
of the M step, we keep these responsibilities fixed and use them to re-compute the
variational distribution over the parameters using (10.57) and (10.59). In each case,
we see that the variational posterior distribution has the same functional form as the
corresponding factor in the joint distribution (10.41). This is a general result and is
Section 10.4.1 a consequence of the choice of conjugate distributions.
Figure 10.6 shows the results of applying this approach to the rescaled Old Faith-
ful data set for a Gaussian mixture model havingK=6components. We see that
after convergence, there are only two components for which the expected values
of the mixing coefficients are numerically distinguishable from their prior values.
This effect can be understood qualitatively in terms of the automatic trade-off in a
Section 3.4 Bayesian model between fitting the data and the complexity of the model, in which
the complexity penalty arises from components whose parameters are pushed away
from their prior values. Components that take essentially no responsibility for ex-
plaining the data points havernk 0 and henceNk  0. From (10.58), we see
thatαk α 0 and from (10.60)–(10.63) we see that the other parameters revert to
their prior values. In principle such components are fitted slightly to the data points,
but for broad priors this effect is too small to be seen numerically. For the varia-
tional Gaussian mixture model the expected values of the mixing coefficients in the
Exercise 10.15 posterior distribution are given by


Kα 0 +N

. (10.69)

Consider a component for whichNk 0 andαkα 0. If the prior is broad so that
α 0 → 0 , thenE[πk]→ 0 and the component plays no role in the model, whereas if
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