10.7. Expectation Propagation 507
be described by a finite set of sufficient statistics. For example, if each of the ̃fi(θ)
is a Gaussian, then the overall approximationq(θ)will also be Gaussian.
Ideally we would like to determine the ̃fi(θ)by minimizing the Kullback-Leibler
divergence between the true posterior and the approximation given by
KL (p‖q)=KL
. (10.192)
Note that this is the reverse form of KL divergence compared with that used in varia-
tional inference. In general, this minimization will be intractable because the KL di-
vergence involves averaging with respect to the true distribution. As a rough approx-
imation, we could instead minimize the KL divergences between the corresponding
pairsfi(θ)and ̃fi(θ)of factors. This represents a much simpler problem to solve,
and has the advantage that the algorithm is noniterative. However, because each fac-
tor is individually approximated, the product of the factors could well give a poor
Expectation propagation makes a much better approximation by optimizing each
factor in turn in the context of all of the remaining factors. It starts by initializing
the factors ̃fi(θ), and then cycles through the factors refining them one at a time.
This is similar in spirit to the update of factors in the variational Bayes framework
considered earlier. Suppose we wish to refine factor ̃fj(θ). We first remove this
factor from the product to give
i =j
̃fi(θ). Conceptually, we will now determine a
revised form of the factor ̃fj(θ)by ensuring that the product
qnew(θ)∝ ̃fj(θ)
i =j
̃fi(θ) (10.193)
is as close as possible to
i =j
̃fi(θ) (10.194)
in which we keep fixed all of the factors ̃fi(θ)fori =j. This ensures that the
approximation is most accurate in the regions of high posterior probability as defined
by the remaining factors. We shall see an example of this effect when we apply EP
Section 10.7.1 to the ‘clutter problem’. To achieve this, we first remove the factor ̃fj(θ)from the
current approximation to the posterior by defining the unnormalized distribution
. (10.195)
Note that we could instead findq\j(θ)from the product of factorsi =j, although
in practice division is usually easier. This is now combined with the factorfj(θ)to
give a distribution
fj(θ)q\j(θ) (10.196)