Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning

(Jeff_L) #1
Exercises 519

10.13 ( ) www Starting from (10.54), derive the result (10.59) for the optimum vari-
ational posterior distribution overμkandΛkin the Bayesian mixture of Gaussians,
and hence verify the expressions for the parameters of this distribution given by

10.14 ( ) Using the distribution (10.59), verify the result (10.64).

10.15 ( ) Using the result (B.17), show that the expected value of the mixing coefficients
in the variational mixture of Gaussians is given by (10.69).

10.16 ( ) www Verify the results (10.71) and (10.72) for the first two terms in the
lower bound for the variational Gaussian mixture model given by (10.70).

10.17 ( ) Verify the results (10.73)–(10.77) for the remaining terms in the lower bound
for the variational Gaussian mixture model given by (10.70).

10.18 ( ) In this exercise, we shall derive the variational re-estimation equations for
the Gaussian mixture model by direct differentiation of the lower bound. To do this
we assume that the variational distribution has the factorization defined by (10.42)
and (10.55) with factors given by (10.48), (10.57), and (10.59). Substitute these into
(10.70) and hence obtain the lower bound as a function of the parameters of the varia-
tional distribution. Then, by maximizing the bound with respect to these parameters,
derive the re-estimation equations for the factors in the variational distribution, and
show that these are the same as those obtained in Section 10.2.1.

10.19 ( ) Derive the result (10.81) for the predictive distribution in the variational treat-
ment of the Bayesian mixture of Gaussians model.

10.20 ( ) www This exercise explores the variational Bayes solution for the mixture of
Gaussians model when the sizeNof the data set is large and shows that it reduces (as
we would expect) to the maximum likelihood solution based on EM derived in Chap-
ter 9. Note that results from Appendix B may be used to help answer this exercise.
First show that the posterior distributionq(Λk)of the precisions becomes sharply
peaked around the maximum likelihood solution. Do the same for the posterior dis-
tribution of the meansq(μk|Λk). Next consider the posterior distributionq(π)
for the mixing coefficients and show that this too becomes sharply peaked around
the maximum likelihood solution. Similarly, show that the responsibilities become
equal to the corresponding maximum likelihood values for largeN, by making use
of the following asymptotic result for the digamma function for largex

ψ(x)=lnx+O(1/x). (10.241)

Finally, by making use of (10.80), show that for largeN, the predictive distribution
becomes a mixture of Gaussians.

10.21 ( ) Show that the number of equivalent parameter settings due to interchange sym-
metries in a mixture model withKcomponents isK!.

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