Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning

(Jeff_L) #1
11.2. Markov Chain Monte Carlo 539

Figure 11.9 A simple illustration using Metropo-
lis algorithm to sample from a
Gaussian distribution whose one
standard-deviation contour is shown
by the ellipse. The proposal distribu-
tion is an isotropic Gaussian distri-
bution whose standard deviation is
0.2. Steps that are accepted are
shown as green lines, and rejected
steps are shown in red. A total of
150 candidate samples are gener-
ated, of which 43 are rejected.

0 0.5 1 1 .5 2 2 .5 3








walk. Consider a state spacezconsisting of the integers, with probabilities

p(z(τ+1)=z(τ))=0. 5 (11.34)
p(z(τ+1)=z(τ)+1) = 0. 25 (11.35)
p(z(τ+1)=z(τ)−1) = 0. 25 (11.36)

wherez(τ)denotes the state at stepτ. If the initial state isz(1)=0, then by sym-
metry the expected state at timeτwill also be zeroE[z(τ)]=0, and similarly it is
Exercise 11.10 easily seen thatE[(z(τ))^2 ]=τ/ 2. Thus afterτsteps, the random walk has only trav-
elled a distance that on average is proportional to the square root ofτ. This square
root dependence is typical of random walk behaviour and shows that random walks
are very inefficient in exploring the state space. As we shall see, a central goal in
designing Markov chain Monte Carlo methods is to avoid random walk behaviour.

11.2.1 Markov chains

Before discussing Markov chain Monte Carlo methods in more detail, it is use-
ful to study some general properties of Markov chains in more detail. In particular,
we ask under what circumstances will a Markov chain converge to the desired dis-
tribution. A first-order Markov chain is defined to be a series of random variables
z(1),...,z(M)such that the following conditional independence property holds for
m∈{ 1 ,...,M− 1 }

p(z(m+1)|z(1),...,z(m))=p(z(m+1)|z(m)). (11.37)

This of course can be represented as a directed graph in the form of a chain, an ex-
ample of which is shown in Figure 8.38. We can then specify the Markov chain by
giving the probability distribution for the initial variablep(z(0))together with the
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