Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning

(Jeff_L) #1

candidate point is drawn uniformly from this reduced region and so on, until a value
ofzis found that lies within the slice.
Slice sampling can be applied to multivariate distributions by repeatedly sam-
pling each variable in turn, in the manner of Gibbs sampling. This requires that
we are able to compute, for each componentzi, a function that is proportional to

11.5 The Hybrid Monte Carlo Algorithm

As we have already noted, one of the major limitations of the Metropolis algorithm
is that it can exhibit random walk behaviour whereby the distance traversed through
the state space grows only as the square root of the number of steps. The problem
cannot be resolved simply by taking bigger steps as this leads to a high rejection rate.
In this section, we introduce a more sophisticated class of transitions based on an
analogy with physical systems and that has the property of being able to make large
changes to the system state while keeping the rejection probability small. It is ap-
plicable to distributions over continuous variables for which we can readily evaluate
the gradient of the log probability with respect to the state variables. We will discuss
the dynamical systems framework in Section 11.5.1, and then in Section 11.5.2 we
explain how this may be combined with the Metropolis algorithm to yield the pow-
erful hybrid Monte Carlo algorithm. A background in physics is not required as this
section is self-contained and the key results are all derived from first principles.

11.5.1 Dynamical systems

The dynamical approach to stochastic sampling has its origins in algorithms for
simulating the behaviour of physical systems evolving under Hamiltonian dynam-
ics. In a Markov chain Monte Carlo simulation, the goal is to sample from a given
probability distributionp(z). The framework ofHamiltonian dynamicsis exploited
by casting the probabilistic simulation in the form of a Hamiltonian system. In order
to remain in keeping with the literature in this area, we make use of the relevant
dynamical systems terminology where appropriate, which will be defined as we go
The dynamics that we consider corresponds to the evolution of the state variable
z={zi}under continuous time, which we denote byτ. Classical dynamics is de-
scribed by Newton’s second law of motion in which the acceleration of an object is
proportional to the applied force, corresponding to a second-order differential equa-
tion over time. We can decompose a second-order equation into two coupled first-
order equations by introducing intermediatemomentumvariablesr, corresponding
to the rate of change of the state variablesz, having components




where thezican be regarded aspositionvariables in this dynamics perspective. Thus
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