Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning

(Jeff_L) #1
13.2. Hidden Markov Models 625

Figure 13.14 A fragment of the fac-
tor graph representation for the hidden
Markov model.


g 1 gn− 1 gn

z 1 zn− 1 zn

x 1 xn− 1 xn

Note that in (13.44), the influence of all data fromx 1 toxNis summarized in theK
values ofα(zN). Thus the predictive distribution can be carried forward indefinitely
using a fixed amount of storage, as may be required for real-time applications.
Here we have discussed the estimation of the parameters of an HMM using max-
imum likelihood. This framework is easily extended to regularized maximum likeli-
hood by introducing priors over the model parametersπ,Aandφwhose values are
then estimated by maximizing their posterior probability. This can again be done us-
ing the EM algorithm in which the E step is the same as discussed above, and the M
step involves adding the log of the prior distributionp(θ)to the functionQ(θ,θold)
before maximization and represents a straightforward application of the techniques
developed at various points in this book. Furthermore, we can use variational meth-
Section 10.1 ods to give a fully Bayesian treatment of the HMM in which we marginalize over the
parameter distributions (MacKay, 1997). As with maximum likelihood, this leads to
a two-pass forward-backward recursion to compute posterior probabilities.

13.2.3 The sum-product algorithm for the HMM

The directed graph that represents the hidden Markov model, shown in Fig-
ure 13.5, is a tree and so we can solve the problem of finding local marginals for the
Section 8.4.4 hidden variables using the sum-product algorithm. Not surprisingly, this turns out to
be equivalent to the forward-backward algorithm considered in the previous section,
and so the sum-product algorithm therefore provides us with a simple way to derive
the alpha-beta recursion formulae.
We begin by transforming the directed graph of Figure 13.5 into a factor graph,
of which a representative fragment is shown in Figure 13.14. This form of the fac-
tor graph shows all variables, both latent and observed, explicitly. However, for
the purpose of solving the inference problem, we shall always be conditioning on
the variablesx 1 ,...,xN, and so we can simplify the factor graph by absorbing the
emission probabilities into the transition probability factors. This leads to the sim-
plified factor graph representation in Figure 13.15, in which the factors are given

h(z 1 )=p(z 1 )p(x 1 |z 1 ) (13.45)
fn(zn− 1 ,zn)=p(zn|zn− 1 )p(xn|zn). (13.46)
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