Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning

(Jeff_L) #1
Exercises 647




p(zn+1|Xn+1) z

Figure 13.23 Schematic illustration of the operation of the particle filter for a one-dimensional latent
space. At time stepn, the posteriorp(zn|xn)is represented as a mixture distribution,
shown schematically as circles whose sizes are proportional to the weightsw(nl).Asetof
Lsamples is then drawn from this distribution and the new weightsw(nl+1) evaluated using

satisfies the conditional independence properties

p(xn|x 1 ,...,xn− 1 )=p(xn|xn− 1 ,xn− 2 ) (13.122)


13.2 ( ) Consider the joint probability distribution (13.2) corresponding to the directed
graph of Figure 13.3. Using the sum and product rules of probability, verify that
this joint distribution satisfies the conditional independence property (13.3) forn=
2 ,...,N. Similarly, show that the second-order Markov model described by the
joint distribution (13.4) satisfies the conditional independence property

p(xn|x 1 ,...,xn− 1 )=p(xn|xn− 1 ,xn− 2 ) (13.123)


13.3 ( ) By using d-separation, show that the distributionp(x 1 ,...,xN)of the observed
data for the state space model represented by the directed graph in Figure 13.5 does
not satisfy any conditional independence properties and hence does not exhibit the
Markov property at any finite order.

13.4 ( ) www Consider a hidden Markov model in which the emission densities are
represented by a parametric modelp(x|z,w), such as a linear regression model or
a neural network, in whichwis a vector of adaptive parameters. Describe how the
parameterswcan be learned from data using maximum likelihood.
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