Artists Magazine - USA (2020-04)

(Antfer) #1

72 Artists Magazine April 2020

Outstanding Over 60

Art-making is a passion that never grows old. In fact, passing

years just add new perspectives, deeper insights and the

refi nement of skills. The 10 winners of the 2019 Artists Magazine

Over 60 Art Competition show just how stunning the results

can be when artists combine time, eff ort and talent.

Paul B. Dixon
Cape Town, South Africa @ Paul B Dixon wildlife studio

Morning Drinks, Tsumcor
oil on linen, 32x63

“Morning Drinks, Tsumcor depicts a herd of kudu at the Tsumcor waterhole, in Etosha,
Namibia. I’ve spent many hours at this place with sketchbook and pencils in hand and
camera at the ready, soaking up the atmosphere that’s unique to Africa. The painting took
me about six weeks, working about eight hours every day. There was a good amount of
wiping off , redrawing and repositioning before I was satisfi ed with the composition.”
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