Artists Magazine - USA (2020-04)

(Antfer) #1

84 Artists Magazine April 2020



allery representation is the
goal of many artists, and
conversations on the topic
usually focus on what artists
hope to get from the association.
Recognizing that gallery represen-
tation involves investment on both
sides of the relationship increases

the chances for success and mitigates
misunderstandings. A gallery doesn’t
simply accept your work; a gallery
embraces you as an artist, both now
and in the future. Gallerists represent
artists as well as individual works.
They meet with collectors, pitch to
curators, cultivate press and develop

shows. The daily work of a gallery
also involves the inevitable staffing,
accounting, emailing and manage-
ment issues of most other businesses.
Just as good gallerists try to support
the studio practice of their artists,
artists can help galleries by recogniz-
ing the demands of that work.

Like any relationship, the one between a gallerist and

an artist requires mutual understanding and respect.

by C.J. Kent

The Gallery Perspective

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