2019-03-01 Biology Times

(singke) #1

Biology Times (^19)

  1. The diagram of a large intestine of a man is given
    below. Identify the parts labelled A, B, C, D, E
    and F.

(a) A-sigmoid, B-vermiform appendix, C-ascen-
ding colon, D-transverse colon, E-descendin-
g colon, F-caecum
(b) A-ascending colon, B-transverse colon, C-si-
gmoid, D-vermiform appendix, E-descendin-
g colon, F-caecum
(c) A-caecum, B-vermiform appendix, C-ascen-
ding colon, D-transverse colon, E-descendin-
ding colon, F-sigmoid vermiform
(d) A-vermiform appendix, B-ascending colon,
C-transverse colon, D-descending colon,

E-sigmoid colon, F-caecum

  1. The following is a scheme showing the fate of
    carbohydrates during digestion in the human ali-
    mentary canal. Identify the enzymes acting at st-
    ages indicated as A, B, C and D. choose the corr-
    ect option from those given.

(a) A-amylase, B-maltase, C-lactase, D-invertase
(b) A-lactase, B-invertase, C-amylase, D-maltase
(c) A-amylase, B-lactase, C-maltase, D-invertase
(d) A-amylase, B- lactase, C-invertase, D-maltase

  1. The diagram below shows how things get to and
    from liver. They are labelled as A, B, C, D, E
    and F. Which one of the following labeling is the
    correct one?

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