Science - USA (2020-01-03)

(Antfer) #1



By Danushka Marapana and Alan F. Cowman


he identification of artemisinin (ART)
in 1971 allowed treatment of malaria
resistant to chloroquine, the prevail-
ing drug at the time, and provided
hope for a malaria-free world ( 1 ). To-
day, malaria control efforts have been
very successful, with 32% fewer deaths over
the past 8 years ( 2 ). However, the emergence
of resistance to ART and other antimalari-
als threatens to become a major problem in
the continuing program to eliminate and
eventually eradicate malaria ( 3 ). ART com-
bination therapies (ACTs) are the
current gold standard for the treat-
ment and control of malaria, and
how parasites that cause malaria
in humans mediate this resistance
is of intense interest for preventing
the spread of drug resistance. On
page 51 of this issue, Birnbaum et
al. ( 4 ) answer this critical question
by identifying the molecular mecha-
nism of ART resistance in the most
lethal human malaria parasite, Plas-
modium falciparum.
As malaria parasites infect and
grow within human erythrocytes
(red blood cells), they actively en-
gulf and digest host hemoglobin
in a dedicated parasite-derived
food vacuole (see the figure).
Hemoglobin is broken down into
amino acids, which are used for the
synthesis of parasite proteins, and
iron-bound heme, which is gradu-
ally detoxified within hemozoin
crystals. Heme binding results in
cleavage of the endoperoxide bond
of ART, enabling drug activation. Active
ART produces free radicals and reactive
oxygen species that attack protein and
lipid molecules of the developing para-
site. ART treatment of intraerythrocytic
Plasmodium parasites results in rapid kill-
ing of all life cycle stages, including the
young “ring” stage of infection, which is
resistant to most antimalarial drugs ( 5 ).

However, the initial identification of ART
resistance in western Cambodia in 2008
followed by rapid spread throughout the
Greater Mekong Subregion of Southeast
Asia forewarned of a major issue for the
malaria elimination agenda in that re-
gion ( 3 ). Additionally, the potential spread
of ART resistance to sub-Saharan Africa
would make elimination programs even
more challenging.
ART resistance manifests as enhanced
survival and delayed clearance of young
ring-stage parasites after a concen-
trated exposure to ART or its derivatives.

Molecular genotyping of ART-resistant par-
asites uncovered single nonsynonymous
mutations in a P. falciparum–specific gene
called Pfkelch13 ( 6 ). The PfKelch13 protein
contains three main functional regions: a
parasite-specific localization sequence, a
BTB/POZ domain that typically facilitates
ubiquitin-mediated degradation, and a
carboxyl-terminal Kelch propeller repeat
region that is predicted to function as a
scaffold for protein-protein interactions
( 6 ). Nearly all clinically relevant ART-
resistance mutations are localized within

this carboxyl-terminal Kelch-repeat region.
Directed mutagenesis studies of both ART-
naïve strains and clinical isolates have
confirmed the causal role of PfKelch13 in
mediating ART resistance ( 7 , 8 ). Multiple
hypotheses implicate PfKelch13 as a re-
sponder to downstream effects of ART
activation, especially in up-regulation of
pathways involved in the cellular stress
response and reduced protein translation
in the presence of ART-induced stress ( 9 –
11 ). However, the possibility of PfKelch13
acting upstream as a conduit for ART ac-
tivation was not investigated prior to the
Birnbaum et al. s tudy.
Birnbaum et al. found that
PfKelch13 and its interacting pro-
teins are localized in vesicles close
to cytostomes, which are erythro-
cyte-cytosol containing structures
produced by the parasite. They
discovered that proteins in this
PfKelch13 compartment are re-
quired for the endocytic uptake of
hemoglobin; however, PfKelch13 it-
self is essential for this process only
in the young ring-stage parasites.
By investigating the link between
PfKelch13, hemoglobin uptake, and
ART activation, Birnbaum et al.
found that PfKelch13-inactivated
parasites and those carrying ART
resistance–conferring Pfkelch13
mutations display depleted con-
centrations of the protein. These
PfKelch13-depleted parasites ex-
hibit decreased hemoglobin uptake
as well as enhanced ring-stage sur-
vival during high-dose ART treat-
ment. Thus, PfKelch13 is a facilita-
tor of ART activation, and Birnbaum et al.
propose an elegant model to merge a large
body of prior research into a comprehen-
sive pathway of ART resistance.
In this model, mutations in the Kelch
propeller domains of PfKelch13 impair the
ability of parasites to endocytose hemoglo-
bin during the young ring stage of infection.
Consequently, hemoglobin degradation is
reduced, and less heme becomes available
for ART activation. Hemoglobin catabolism
also provides the parasite with a source of
amino acids for protein synthesis. Therefore,


Uncovering the ART of antimalarial resistance

A key mechanism of resistance to the antimalarial drug artemisinin is identified









Red blood


Department of Medical Biology, Faculty of Medicine,
Dentistry and Health Sciences, University of Melbourne,
Parkville, VIC 3052, Australia. Email: [email protected]


Gateway for activation
Malaria parasites ingest hemoglobin to produce heme from the
host red blood cell using cytostomes. The interaction of heme in the
parasite food vacuole with artemisinin (ART) causes activation of
the drug and parasite killing. PfKelch13-containing vesicles regulate
the uptake of hemoglobin by Plasmodium falciparum and thereby
affect the amount of ART activation through reduced heme availability.

22 3 JANUARY 2020 • VOL 367 ISSUE 6473
Published by AAAS
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