
(Nancy Kaufman) #1
Seated twist
Sit up tall with your feet firmly on the floor. With your spine
erect, begin to gently twist your upper body (from the belly
button up) towards the RIGHT. Hold and breathe here for
three to five long breaths. Repeat on the other side.
Twisting first to the right massages the ascending colon,
while twisting to the left massages the descending colon,
aiding in the elimination process.


Seated child’s pose (‘wind-removing’ pose)
Sitting with your feet firmly on the floor, sit up tall
throughout the spine. On an exhale, begin to hinge forward
from the waist, folding your abdomen down onto your
thighs. Relax the head and neck, and breathe consistently
for three to five breaths. Inhale and slowly bring yourself
back upright.
This posture applies gentle pressure to the organs, aiding
in blood circulation.


Seated knee hug
Sit with your feet planted on the floor and your spine tall.
Bring your right leg up toward your chest, hugging the thigh
closely to your body. Hold this position and breathe three to
five breaths. Change sides.
Bringing the right leg up compresses and massages the
ascending colon, while compressing on the left massages
the descending colon, aiding in the elimination process.





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