Barrons AP Calculus - David Bock

(dmanu) #1

If f (x) changes sign on the interval (Figure N7–2), we find the values of x for which f (x) = 0 and
note where the function is positive, where it is negative. The total area bounded by the x-axis, the
curve, x = a, and x = b is here given exactly by

where we have taken into account that f (xk) Δx is a negative number if c < x < d.

See Question 11 in the Practice Exercises.
If x is given as a function of y, say x = g(y), then (Figure N7–3) the subdivisions are made along
the y-axis, and the area bounded by the y-axis, the curve, and the horizontal lines y = a and y = b is
given exactly by

See Questions 3 and 13 in the Practice Exercises.

A1. Area Between Curves.
To find the area between curves (Figure N7–4), we first find where they intersect and then write the
area of a typical element for each region between the points of intersection. For the total area
bounded by the curves y = f (x) and y = g(x) between x = a and x = e, we see that, if they intersect at
[c,d], the total area is given exactly by

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