Barrons AP Calculus - David Bock

(dmanu) #1

From the table we know that

(b) Figure N10–3a shows the graphs of sin x and the four polynomials. In Figure N10–3b we see
graphs only of sin x and P 7 (x), to exhibit how closely P 7 “follows” the sine curve.


(c) To four decimal places, sin = 0.8660. Evaluating the polynomials at we get

We see that P 7 is correct to four decimal places.

(a) Find the Taylor polynomials of degrees 0, 1, 2, and 3 generated by f (x) = ln x at x = 1.
(b) Graph f and the four polynomials on the same set of axes.
(c) Using P 2 , approximate ln 1.3, and find a bound on the error.

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