Watercolor Artist - USA (2020-04)

(Antfer) #1

60 Watercolor artist | APRIL 2020


Step 1
I fi rst masked the highlights on the glass bottles with liquid mask to save
the whites and then painted the fi rst color layer on the stained glass window
and the bottles. I sprinkled salt on the clear glass areas of the window
to suggest foliage outside the window.

Step 2
For the next layer, I used salt on the light blue glass to
suggest an opaque colored glass and added more base color
to the bottles. I then applied more liquid mask to the bottles,
as they have colored highlights as well as bright white ones.

Step 3
I began work on the window surround by first covering the
sides of the window and the bottoms of the glass bottles using
Nichiban 251 tape. I cut it in half lengthwise to save tape. The
only required trimming was to the bottom edge of the bottles.

Step 4
After painting the window surround, I repositioned the tape, turning it so
that the straight edge was along the window side. I masked the salted
blue glass using more tape, cutting carefully around the outside edges.
I continued to add color to the glass bottles and the dark blue stained
glass and added colored reflections to the window shelf.

Sunrise Through My Window

Mary Elle uses two masking products to block out stained glass panels.

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