Flirt Magazine March

(Flirt Magazine) #1

, perhaps even start on some international collaboration with
someone famous. :) Perhaps Eminem might be interested!

8-What projects are you currently working on?
Currently I just started working on my next album, which will be
available very soon. It will be a work of innovative sound with a
new and fresh style. Of course there will be some guest perfor-
mances on there with other Polish artists.

9-What do you like to spend most of your money on?
I find the most satisfaction from buying shoes... I have probably
a million of them. I’m always fighting within myself when I see
another stylish pair. Let’s just say that I go to the store to buy some
pants and come out with shoes anyways.
10-Are you a bathroom singer and dancer?
Of course I sing in the shower, I sing in every free moment I can
find, it just comes naturally. I love singing the best hits of my
favorite singers, and it’s a known fact that the best accoustics are
found in the bathroom.

11-Do you believe in love at first sight?
I believe in having a crush at first sight, that you can feel the
goosebumps, the excitement from just seeing the other person
and the pulling need to meet them. But as far as love goes, that
takes time to develop and is a longer process in my opinion. You
need to learn the other person’s strengths and weaknesses, accept
the person as they are, and then maintain the emotional connec-
tion, take care of one another and treat each other with respect in
order to maintain the relationship for years to come; then it can
be said that it is a successful relationship and true love...

12-What brings you the greatest joy?
I try to be happy with the little things, but I think the best are
the moments when I can spend time with my family and friends,
when I don’t have to play up any particular persona and can just
be myself. It makes me truly feel free and makes me very happy.

13-What should every woman try at least once in her lifetime?
Every woman should be so lucky in life to meet their true love, to
feel appreciated and loved. I think that is the point of life, and that
is how we find happiness.

14-What is the best advice you have been given in your lifetime?
I am a very persistent, stubborn and honest individual who fol-
lows through with her plans with the drive of a maniac. Of course,
like everyone, I have my good days and my bad; days when I just
don’t want to do anything at all. That is when any word of advice
is worth its weight in gold. I once heard these words when I had
a crisis situation... “Life is full of ups and downs, but we can’t let
ourselves give up, we must follow our dreams!” I live by this...
15-What is on your bucket list?
What to do before I die? I have a lot of dreams that I would like to
achieve in my life, starting with expanding myself in the spiritual
and achieve immortality. ;) As for the more mundane plans which
I want to accomplish...a few more albums, some more singles,
performing at major international concerts. To be accomplished
both in my professional capacity and in my personal life. I want to
use up as much of my time as possible and find inner peace and

16-Who are you biggest heroes?
My greatest hero will always be my grandfather, God rest his soul.
He always loved my singing and asked me to do it as much as
possible. Always wanting to see me singing and dancing, recit-
ing poetry and fairytales which I memorized. He was always so
emotional from it. I will never forget this. From the professional
world of celebrities, musicians, and actors...I already mentioned a
few earlier. My greatest idol is the one who I listened to as a child
and who is a true musical legend, Michael Jackson, the King of
Pop from the 80s. Also, can’t forget my personal national hero
from Poland, Tadeus Kosciuszko, but here we are starting down
the path of history...
17-Please tell your fans around the world what are your plans and
goals in the near future?
My plans for the near future are to concentrate on my new album
and on planning my concerts, still gaining knowledge and skills to
constantly develop my performance as a whole. In the foreseeable
future I definitely plan on visiting the USA, not just for sightsee-
ing but also to meet people in the industry, and perhaps collabo-
rate with some American musicians as well. I really hope this can
happen, and we can make some truly beautiful music together,
maybe make some noteworthy hits...who knows?! We’ll just have
to wait and see.
Once again I thank you with all my heart for this interview! My
best to the entire team at Flirt Magazine and all your readers! All
the best! Miss V.

We here at Flirt Magazine would like to thank you for taking time
to talk to us and we wish you continued success for many years to
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